pan有平底锅,盘状的器皿,淘盘子,金盘,秤盘的意思。那你们想知道pan的用法吗?今天小编给大家带来了pan的用法吗 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。
n. 平底锅,盘状的器皿,淘盘子,金盘,秤盘
vt. 淘金,在浅锅中烹调(食物),[非正式用语]严厉的批评
vi. 淘金,在淘洗中收获金子
变形:过去式: panned; 现在分词:panning; 过去分词:panned;
I cracked two eggs into the frying pan.我往平底锅里打了两个鸡蛋。
Take a pan or box and fill it with sand or cat litter.拿一个盘子或盒子,里面装上沙子或者干草。
The water was run off from the pan so that the sand remained.把淘盘里的水放掉,让沙留着。
pan词组 | 习惯用语
pots and pans 坛坛罐罐;炊事用具
flash in the pan 昙花一现(指开始预料取得重大成功,结果失败);淘金盆里的反光(形容空欢喜一场,好景不长)
frying pan 煎锅;长柄平底锅
peter pan n. 彼得·潘(天真的成年人)
oil pan [机]油盘
baking pan 烘焙的盘子
pan out 成功;结果(是);证明
pan american adj. 泛美的,全美洲的
pan am abbr. 泛美航空公司(Pan American World Airways)
on the pan [美国俚语]受责难;受严厉批评
pan american games 泛美运动会(是南北美洲四年一度的最大型的运动盛事)
iron pan 铁锅;铁盘;硬盘
salt pan 盐田;盐池;盐盘
dust pan 簸箕;撮子
pan head 盘头;平头;全景摇摄云台
cake pan 蛋糕烘模;蛋糕烤盘;盛蛋糕的铁制容器
pan pacific 泛太平洋
evaporation pan 蒸发皿
1.I was scouring out the pans.我正在擦平底锅。
2.He started tipping beans into a pan.他开始把豆倒进锅中。
3.The ham frizzled in the frying pan.火腿在煎锅中咝咝作响。
4.The sausages were frizzling in the pan.香肠在平底锅里吱吱发响。
5.Melt the margarine in a frying pan.把人造黄油放在煎锅里溶化。
6.The meat was stewing in the pan.肉正炖在锅里。
7.The water was bubbling gently in the pan.水在锅里轻轻地冒着气泡。
8.She clashed these pans down on the floor.她将这些盘子哗啦一声摔在地上。
9.Pots, pans, kettles and mops are kitchen utensils.锅、盘、壶及拖把是厨房用具。
10.Elsie had the fat frizzling in the chip pan.埃尔西把肥肉放在深平底锅里吱吱地煎。
11.He started tipping the pea pods into a pan.他开始把豌豆荚倒进锅中。
12.Cook the pasta in a large pan of boiling water.在一大锅沸水中煮意大利面。
13.The ingredients sat in the bowl unstirred while she buttered the pan.在她为平底锅抹黄油时,各种配料在碗里沉淀下来。
14.Pan Am was the third US carrier to cease operations in 1991.泛美航空公司是1991年第三家停业的美国航空公司。
15.The pan is an awkward shape.这个锅的形状用起来不方便。
16.The pan belongs under the sink.锅应放在洗碗池下面。
17.Usually cooking pots have two small handles but pans have one long handle.通常炊锅有两个小柄, 而平底锅有一个长柄。
18.Harold's idea had been a good one even if it hadn't panned out.哈洛德的想法还是好的,即使它最终没能成功。
19.The dinner started with club remmendation of Asian pan seared scollop with vegetables.晚宴上开始首菜亚洲干贝与蔬菜。
20.He plays bocce, chess and checkers.He scrubs pots and pans in the prison kitchen.他有时候会玩地滚球、象棋和跳棋,还会在监狱的厨房里擦拭盆盆罐罐。
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