prejudice有成见,偏见,歧视,侵害,伤害的意思。那你们想知道prejudice的用法吗?今天小编给大家带来了prejudice的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。
n. 成见,偏见,歧视,侵害,伤害
vt. 使有偏见,不利于,损害
变形:过去式: prejudiced; 现在分词:prejudicing;
Your bad spelling may prejudice your chances of getting this job.你糟糕的拼写会妨碍你获得这个工作的机会。
Her charm prejudiced the judges in her favour.她姿色迷人,因而评委都偏向她。
His pleasant voice and manner prejudiced the jury in his favor.他那令人愉快的声音和举止使陪审团对他产生了偏心。
1、Rowe does a very clever riff on the nature of prejudice.
2、I've spent a lifetime fighting against racism and prejudice.
3、I'm calling in reference to your series on prejudice.
1.What has prejudiced you against modern music?是什么使你对现代音乐抱有成见?
2.He has a prejudice against all foreigners.他对所有的外国人都有偏见。
3.You should liberate the mind from prejudice.你该解除心中的偏见。
4.He has removed the virus of prejudice.他消除了有害的偏见。
5.It is the time we lay aside old prejudices.是撇开旧偏见的时候了。
6.They have been steeped in prejudice since their childhood.他们从小就充满了偏见。
7.You know that I am not a prejudiced man.你知道我不是怀有偏见的人。
8.His honesty and sincerity prejudiced us in his favour.他的真诚使 我们对他产生好感。
9.Prejudice sometimes hampers a person from doing the right thing.有时候, 偏见会妨碍人正确行事。
10.These facts prejudiced them against her.这些事实促使他们对她有偏见。
11.He had a prejudice against them.他对他们有偏见。
12.I will do nothing to the prejudice of my friend in this matter.我在此事上不会伤害我的朋友。
13.English prejudice against foreigners.英国人对外国人的成见。
14.Prejudice warps the judgment.偏见歪曲了判断
15.Prejudice is a social disease.偏见是一种社会弊病。
16.Despite its condescension toward the Bennet family, the letter begins to allay Elizabeth’s prejudice against Darcy.尽管这封信对班纳特家的态度很高傲,但它开始消除伊丽莎白对达西的偏见。
17.Inform and educate in order to combat unwarranted shame, secrecy, ignorance, prejudice, and discrimination associated with intersexual conditions.提供信息和开展教育,以抗击对中间性病症的无根无据和无缘无故的羞辱、封锁、忽视、偏见和歧视。
18.It must be understood that this concession is made without prejudice to any future decision of the committee.必须明确, 这次合作的让步对本委员会今后的决定不产生任何影响。
19.Early in my life, I was prejudiced against living in the country by some unfortunate experiences with farm animals.由于几次不幸遭遇都与牲畜有关, 所以我幼年时对农村生活怀有偏见。
20.The term “barratry” includeseverywrongful act willfully committed by the master or crew to the prejudice of the owner, or, as the case may be, the charterer.第11条“欺诈恶行”术语指船长或船员的各种损害船东或租船人利益的故意不法行为。
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