inadvertent: unintentional, characterized by lack of thought or attention
1) not on purpose; unintentional
2) not paying proper attention
Synonyms: careless, negligent, thoughtless;
The error was both inadvertent and catastrophic.
It was an inadvertent error, to be sure, but nonetheless a mistake that required correction.
【考法1】adj. 偶然发生的: happening by chance
【例】an inadvertent encounter with a rattlesnake 偶遇响尾蛇
【近】 casual, fluky, incidental, unintentional, unplanned, unpremeditated, unwitting ,
【反】 calculated, deliberate, intended, intentional, planned, premeditated 有计划的,有预谋的
【考法2】adj. 疏忽的,不留意的: marked by unintentional lack of care
【例】The military has said it was an inadvertent error. 军方表示这是个疏忽大意的错误
【近】 careless, feckless, heedless, irreflective, thoughtless, uncaring
【反】 advertent, careful, heedful, mindful 留意的,小心的
amorphous: 不定形的; having no definite form; inchoate;shapeless
1) lacking definite form; shapeless;
2) of no specific type; anomolous;
3) indefinite; vague
4) having no definite form : SHAPELESS
5) being without definite character or nature : UNCLASSIFIABLE
6) lacking organization or unity. formless
7) with no shape; unorganized; having no determinate form
8) lacking in shape
Amorphous ----- Adj. Having no definite form; shapeless (ex. cloud); no definite character
(w/o) morph(shape)
amorphous ------ having no definite form or distinct shape
amorphous ------ formless; lacking shape or definition
amorphous ------ shapeless; vague; indeterminate
amorphous : shape = equivocal : meaning 无定形的则没有确定的形状=模棱两可的则没有确定的意义
amorphous <> defined, definite
amorphous : structure
amorphousness : definition
halcyon: 宁静的; calm and peaceful; tranquil; happy
1) idyllically calm and peaceful those were halcyon days
2) calm and peaceful; happy; golden; prosperous
Synonyms: soothing, tranquil
halcyon <> stormy, tempestuous
1. The old man fondly remembered his halcyon days growing up on the farm.
2. I love the halcyon days of mid-August, while we are still on vacation and before the mad rush of preparations for school begins.
【考法1】adj. 宁静的,平静的: free from storms or physical disturbance
【近】 hushed, peaceful, placid, serene, tranquil, untroubled
【反】 tempestuous, stormy, agitated, inclement, restless, rough, turbulent, unquiet, unsettled 暴风雨的,暴躁的
【考法2】adj. 繁荣的,丰富的: prosperous, affluent, vigorous growth and well-being especially economically
【例】 halcyon years 丰年
【近】 booming, flourishing, lush, palmy, prospering, roaring, thriving
【反】 miserable, depressed, unprosperous 萧条的,少得可怜的
impugn: 表示怀疑; to criticize or challenge as false or questionable in nature
1) to attack with words; to question the truthfulness or integrity
2) to challenge as false, to assail
impugn <> uphold 指责,攻击,反对<>支持
impugn <> consent
impugn <> extol 9
impugn <> vindicate 责难<>辩护
impugn <> champion攻击,指责<>拥护,支持
impugn <> endorse 攻击,指责<>认可
impugn <> approve, laud, compliment
impugn <> appease
impugn <> grantant
impugn = charge yMdu
impugn 责难, 非难, 驳斥 <> champion/vindicate/endorse
impugn (criticize) <> uphold (support) should be correct rather than appease (soothe).
inviolable<>impugn 不可侵犯的,不可征服的<>指责
The defense lawyer impugned the witness's testimony, which set back the prosecution's case.
If I believe the man is a fraud I will impugn his comments.
【考法1】v. 责难,攻击抨击: to attack as false or questionable; challenge in argument
【例】impugn a political opponent's character 就政治对手的人品发难
【近】 attack, assail, contradict, contravene, cross, disaffirm, deny, gainsay, negate, negative, traverse onm
【反】 advocate, back, support, uphold 支持;authenticate 证实,证明
vociferous: 喧嚷的, marked by or given to vehement insistent outcry
vociferous <> silent
vociferous <> monotonous
vociferous <> reticent/monotone 吵闹的<>沉默不语的/单调的
vociferous <> serenity 叫喊的,吵闹的<>安静的
vociferous <> serene
vociferous <> still
vociferous : suppression 喧嚷的:抑制,含蓄(镇压)
boisterous: 猛烈的, 狂暴的, 喧闹的
1) marked by or given to vehement insistent outcry
2) making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcry
adj. 喧哗的,大叫大嚷的: making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcry
【例】Vociferous opponents of the bill protested angrily outside the Congress. 议案的反对者在国会外愤怒地举行了声势浩大的抗议活动
【近】 blatant, boisterous, clamant, clamorous, obstreperous, strident, yowling
【反】 reticent, taciturn 沉默的;serene, tranquil 宁静的