受汉语习惯影响,提到“全天”,我们头脑里会立时冒出“day and night”或“24 hours”这样的词汇,实在容易产生视觉疲劳。今天介绍的短语round the clock可令您耳目一新。请看下面一段有关麦当劳“全天营业”的新闻报道:Competition in the late night eats market seems to be intensifying in China. Not long ago 15 McDonald stores in Beijing and 13 in Shanghai were announced to be in business round the clock.
短语round the clock意思是“昼夜不停,毫不疲倦”,在此恰到好处地表达了“全天营业”的内涵。如果在国外,看到某商店门口有“round-the-clock shop”的字样,就说明这家商店提供全天服务,24小时营业。
另外,提醒大家注意一下单词round,它可是大有学问。例如,round除了表示“圆的”之外,还可用来形容“整的,无零头的”和“循环的,周而复始的”。如:a round million men(整100万人);to work the year round(一年到头地工作)。
此外,若您想表达“上班打卡”,可用短语“to punch the clock”。