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10"Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated."


1、由于全球化的影响,城市现代化发展快,be homogenized,文化传统在小城镇和小村比较多 distinct cultural traditions, folk art, crafts, traditional songs, customs and ceremonies, burgeon in small towns and rural regions

2、大城市税收丰富,还有私人赞助 private/business patronage ,不需要政府资助保护文化传统

3、小城镇和乡村文化传统多,但比较穷,需要资助,否则 threaten the survival of no money to repair ancient building



1 大城市的经济生活和文化生活活动发达,但是国家的文化传统并不是在城市中,而是在更广泛的农村中流传和保存

2 大城市的文化活动确实很多,是文化交流的中心,文化的输出和传播很活跃,比如北京,包括举报传统文化节等等。国家财政支持大城市可以使中国文化让世界所认知但是并不能够起到保护传统文化的作用,因为传统文化并不在大城市里。

3 文化与文化传统是不同的两个概念。大城市中的文化并不传统,因为大城市糅杂了许多中文化,使得这里的文化并没有很好的得以保留并且很不纯正。比如上海,上海当时是很多国家的殖民地,东西文化交融,南北文化交界,这里的文化极为多样,以至于并谈不上传统文化,上海人保留了很少中国的风俗习惯,甚至春节都没有了鞭炮。相反,在中国的广大农村,没有遭到外来文化的污染,传统文化大多得以保留,比如很多中国的农村都保留着春节放鞭炮和大集会的习惯。

4 目前,由于城市化进程加快,农村生活水平越来越高,很多传统文化正在流失。比如,以前中国很出名的一些传统手工艺都失传了,因为现在的年轻人不感兴趣。再比如,由于资金匮乏,很多传统大型活动也都取消了。因此政府应当加大在农村的投资以保存现有的传统文化。




1 文化传统是怎么来的,有哪些?-长久依赖人们生活的习惯,文化,信仰,历史等

2 这些都怎么产生的-不同的时代,不同的地点,有不同的文化传统,所以,地理历史的原因及时间演变都是造成。。

3 文化传统有哪些表现-节日,建筑,服装,语言,思维等

4 钱对这些有什么作用

5 结论-有用的方面,无用的方面

.过历史上的发展,有文化传统的积累。城市确实更可能成为国家文化交流的中心,比如,北京的京剧,西安。因为主要的大城市往往是经济文化较发达的地区。比如,在纽约几乎每一周里都有各种游行,中国新年的游行,St. Patrick’s Day (爱尔兰的节日)游行等等

大城市作为经济文化交流的中心,文化间的交流,使得本国的文化与外来的文化互相作用,不利于原汁原味本土文化传统的保留。文化交流必然会趋于同化,相互影响,一个地区的文化传统很难在这样的冲击下独立生存下去。比如我们现在整天大吃 KFC Pizza 看美国大片,听摇滚音乐,冲击了中国传统的地方戏剧和音乐。

反观乡村,也孕育和保存着一些已经被历史遗忘的文化传统,如美国乡村音乐,blues and jazz 都起源于南方小城镇,而美国的小说也大多起源于中部平原地区



"Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financia l support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation 's cultural traditions are preserved and generated."





1. 审视当今的大城市,经济高度发达,各种各样的文化在这里汇聚,并且相互融合发展,大城市成为了一个国家的经济文化中心。比如,在纽约几乎每一周里都有各种游行,中国新年的游行,St. Patrick’s Day (爱尔兰的节日)游行等等

2. 然而我们应该明白一个国家的文化传统和文化是不同的两个概念。大城市作为文化中心,更多的起到的是一个文化交流平台的作用,而不是作者所说的传统文化的发源地。实际上,大城市在一定程度上是非常不利于产生和保存文化传统的。文化交流必然会趋于同化,相互影响,一个地区的文化传统很难在这样的冲击下独立生存下去。比如我们现在整天大吃 KFC Pizza 看美国大片,即使不懂英语的人也能说出好多英文商标品牌。

3. 相对而言,我们应该更重视乡村以及小城市,它们往往更完整的保留了传统文化,如美国乡村音乐,blues and jazz都起源于南方小城镇,而美国的小说也大多起源于中部平原地区。

4. 关于政府的财政支持,政府的确是应该支持大城市的,如果它需要的话,毕竟大城市的发展关系着整个国家的经济发展。然而,我们应该明确的是政府绝不是因为文化的考虑而支持大城市,相反,为了保留文化传统,国家应该加大对小城镇或农村的支持力度。



二、城市不是保存的地方(It is ill-conceived that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved well in cities )

1.诚然,城市是经济文化政治中心,但concentration 不等于传统文化。 Hodge-podge, 传统和 modern rhythm imcompatible


三、不该给政府( though in rural areas, it is fallacious, on the basis of the scant re sources, to delegate the right of deciding which traditions to preserve to a handful of bureaucrats. )




四、私人基金更好(in an affluent society, private foundations and non-profit organizations are even more effective of supporting cultural traditions. )

1.多样化不会导致不平衡 Beijing Opera Association, Kite Fans, Kirigami Preservation Organization


10T "Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated." 10 . 政府必须保证主要城市用于发展的财政支持,因为国家的文化传统发源于并保留在这些主要城市

① 大城市有很多是由于气候温和,环境舒适,交通便利,才有人类生根发芽的。如:希腊 Athens,纽约。他们见证了民族的发展历史 美国独立、南北战争、工业革命。Stature of liberty Athenaeum

② 有的大城市是后来政府斥资兴建的。如:巴西利亚 Brasilia 为了首都发展

③ 小城市和乡村应该引起重视。A 他们与外界沟通不畅,风俗更有可能保留。如:丽江东巴文化 现在还用象形字glyph B 需要投资带动经济发展

It is always true that big cities of a country boom not only in economy but also in culture. Actually, not all the major cities of a country are bound to the responsibility of preserving a nation’s culture traditions.

Indeed, in some major cities, where have less culture traditions, it creates a better environment for development than in those cities where long culture traditions are preserved. Nevertheless, admitted that, there are also some major cities that are characterized by their long culture traditions, similarly, either small cities, or villages and towns, in spite of not being major cities, are the places where culture traditions generated and handed down be generations.


11"All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."


1、当前有些问题具有全球性,需要站在世界高度合作解决,世界大学培养这样的人才 environmental pollution(spherical ozone layer); energy crisis; conflicts and wars 每个国家自己培养的解决社会问题的人才往往只从本国利益角度考虑,可能会对世界发展不利,如发达国家把污染强的heavy industry 转移到发展中国家,为保护森林资源从外国进口 lumbe

2、世界大学中的学术交流有利于共享成功与教训的经验,避免错误学习别的国家解决社会问题的经验教训,不同国家有不同的观点,交流,找出最佳方案 environmental preservation strategy; economical energy consumption; leagal system feature in equity and justice 任何国家的教师和学生都可以提出 useful insight or discovery

3、世界大学研究成果的应用问题 每个国家的发展程度有差异,对研究问题的优先顺序不一样

For instance, the United States may be more concerned about how to expand the economy and keep a balance between economical development and en vironment protection, some other countries in Africa, where regional conflicts are continuous, ar e more cared about how to end the war and create a peaceful circumstance for further development.

国家历史文化背景不同,经济条件不同,研究成果不一定适用 environmental protection


In recent ages, human civilization has not only achieved a great improvement in most of the fields but also generated numerous society problems. Some of these problems would make it impossible for human race to live in this world if it were not solved as soon as possible. So, the suggestion of building a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the persistent social problems is very meaningful and should be supported by all the na tions in the world.

第一. 世界各国尽管具体情况不同,但是存在很多共同的问题,共同探讨很有价值:很多问题有相同的根源;比较研究;不同角度看问题找办法。A global university could help to solve mutual problems that different country faced and help to find a comm on ground or reach a consensus in the human world. e.g. pollution, the depl etion of atmospheric ozone.

第二. 很多问题由于世界各国的看法不一致产生矛盾,共同研究利于增进了解:文化冲突;环境污染;战争。The global university also provides different nations with a platform that can learn the difference and standpoint of one another, and thereby contributes to the solutions and mitigating the conflicts.

第三. 建立这样一所大学需要注意一些问题,才有利于产生真正有价值的研究结果,为世界造福:相互尊重观点;保持客观的态度。While, there are two sides for ever icon, a global university also poses certain risks which may exacerbate some pressing international problems. (1) 可能忽视地方问题neglecting the parochial problems. (2) Some of th e problems in the global university, such as the unfairly distribution of the limited resource, may easily spell some discordance among nations.

第四. 此外,全球性的大学还应当积极地吸收和听取各国的声音,尽可能的减少政治上带来的影响 Furthermore, the global university also needs to hear different sound and make every nation possible to gain a equal opportunity to participate in the solution s of the problems and at the same time, share the mutual fruitions of the research.


1 现在社会的问题越来越多,贫困、污染、战争等等persistent 问题每天都在困扰着各国的政府。数千万的孩子饿得哭泣,头顶的蓝天不再天天出现,河水中的鱼儿不再那么欢快。这些问题应该谁来负责呢?答案是全人类。因此,建立一个全球性大学来致力于解决这些问题看起来是一个很好的选择。因为建立这样一个大学可以培育出一批人才,他们是各个领域的精英,他们在自己的领域里带领更多的人去关注和解决世界性的问题。从这个意义上来讲,全球性大学是一个非常好的目标。

2 然而,我认为这样一个大学是一个太理想的目标而不可能实现。正是因为这个大学是全球性的,才会带来各种问题。一方面,在大学的建立过程中就会遇到很多的问题。比如,所有的政府都应该对该大学进行相同数目的投资吗?如果这样的话,那些本来就贫穷的国家很可能负担不起。如果这些国家投资不同,那么就带来了另一个问题就是谁应该是大学的领导国家?世界上最富有的国家?如果这个大学被世界上少数的几个国家所控制,那么我对这个大学的表现持悲观态度,考虑到 UN目前的作用。

3 另一方面,当全球性大学建立起来以后,关于招生和教学的问题就跟着来了。我的第一个问题是:谁应该入学?那些具有不同信仰的学生们?那么,我想学校将没有和谐存在。Arabic的学生将拒绝讨论妇女的人权问题;同时非洲的学生将会对解除贫困的其他所有问题一概不感兴趣,因为他们的亲人甚至还饿着。对问题的不同看法很可能导致学生中产生冲突;第二个问题是:如何设置课程?我无法想象这样一所大学的课程会使什么样的,如果过分致力于解决世界上的各种问题,学生们其他方面的能力很难保证。

4 最后,当学生们毕业后,更大的问题就来了。谁能保证他们学到的知识能在社会中起到作用??我们都知道,知识到实践中有一个长期的过程,学生们的理论在复杂的具体问题中未必有作用,甚至我们都无法去评价他们是否解决了问题;政府会把他们安排到重要的岗位上吗?花了这么多钱把他们放在大学培养,如果将来不放在重要岗位上,那么这所大学培养出来的人是没有作用的。可是,我想任何政府很难把问题放心的交给这些大学生去解决。










政府会不会干涉 尤其是社会问题



另外,建立一所全球性大学也是没有必要的,随着网络的普遍应用,很多学者可以在因特网平台上互相交流,致力于世界社会问题。而且也可以充分发挥联合国 U.N.的作用来解决这些问题。联合国中的领导人比学生更有经验和能力来解决这方面的问题。


“ All nations should help support the development of a global university design ed to engage students in the progress of solving the world’s most persistent social problems.”





1) 各国虽然具体情况不同,但是存在很多共同的问题,且很多问题有相同的根源,global university can help to establish a common ground or reach a consensus(the depletion of atmospheric ozone 或green-house effect 或space exploration 仅凭一个国家的经济实力难以实现需要各国合作


3)全球性大学应该注意一些问题,首先要尊重各国的观点,不能忽视 parochial problems 因为各国的经济实力和发展不同,解决问题的方法不同。其次,应该使每个国家的学生都能接受平等的教育。



一、有一些问题可以得到解决,但有一些不能,而且经费、教师、教育内容是个问题who to be assigned to teach students and which country to shoulder heavier burden of patron.

二、有一些问题可以解决 owing to the process of human society, social problems become worldwide scope

1.环境 2. 全球金融监管 3. 反恐

三、有些问题不能 not feasible如宗教、政治、国际贸易摩擦 in some fields, like politics or religion, it is not feasible and appropriate to establish a global university stemming from the confliction of multifarious interests

1.中东地区,常年战争,没有对错,人们很激进,来自大学的建议 theoretical& not forcible


四、而且内容,由内容是个问题 the content of education in such university begs questions.


2.发达国家水平高,老师可能都来自它们,但势必会把偏见传给学生 exacerbate

3.经费可能都由发达国家出,这样它们更 reinforce 它们的perception, priori ties, direction

五、结论:在单一利益 single-interest oriented fields 可以, but may fail in multi-interest conflicting,susceptible to influential countries either in academics or in economics, 所以the adage every coin...

11T "All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most pers istent social problems."



It is meaningful for world nations to cooperate with each other in establishing an international university where teachers and students from all over the world work together for the good of all nations.

① 支持。面临的很多问题是共同的。如:核战争 nuclear warfare ,环境污染,恐怖主义 terrorism

The world’s most persistent social problems include environmental pollution, energy crisis, conflicts and wars between nations, and so on.

② 优点:A 在交流中可以解开许多矛盾 conflict 。如:许多原来看法不一致的问题现在学着从别人的角度考虑。同时文化方面也懂得尊重别人的习俗。B 科学家相互交流 DNA

③ 不同意。这个学校可能会被国家政权干涉而成为工具,如:经费赞助的多的国家可能要求先解决其国家自身的问题而不解决或不准解决其他问题。

④ 培养后一代共同解决问题有很多途径,如:利用网络。仅仅一所学校不太能达到目的,因为能去上的学生实在太少了。An effective way to solve these problems is to promote mutual understanding and cooperation among the youth worldwide.


12"People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic."


1、承认人们的态度受到当时环境的影响 a shy and quiet person may get furious or even violent when they felt extremel y insulted; a sports fan may get indifferent to the reports of his favorite stars when he meet with something unhappy; an accomodating person may refuse to help when he or she is busy with something more important or urgent

2、但态度更主要的是由人格决定的 when driver found a wallet left by passengers

3、许多情况下,无论环境怎么变,人格所决定的态度不会变 misers are stingy and tight no matter whether they are rich or not generous people are willing to share limited resources with others no matter how peniless they are

12T "People's attitudes are determin ed more by their immediate situat ion or surroundings than by any internal characteristic."



A 每天与各种各样的人、事打交道。We are living in the society. We have families, friends and colleagues. We communicate each other, and have influence on or being influenced by others.

B 从心理学上说,外界环境可以极大的影响人们的态度。Immediate situation or surroundings play enormous influence on shaping our attitudes and moods toward exterior.

②个人因素也有影响。However, what people express in responding to their situation and surroundings is based on their internal characteristic, which deve lops on the combination of intellectual and morals.

如:同样环境中长大的两个小孩,可能对同一件事情的反应还是不一样。A 有的人生来如此 B 从阅读等方面也可以极大的塑造一个人。

③但是,个人特质也是先天和后天共同作用的结果。As a matter of fact, people’s attitudes are determined by the compound effect of situatio n and internal characteristic.


13"Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."


1、需要保护,语言是重要文化遗产,distinctive culture heritage individual identity; extinction of language results in diminished sense of prid e, dignity and self-worth continental Europe, many people cling tenaciously to their language French Cadanians insist on French as their official language, to preserve the distinct culture heritage

2 、随着全球化发展,英语成为主导,拉近各国、各族之间的距离,这样保护少数语言就有阻碍作用了 language homogenization shorten the distance between ,bring... Internet adopt english as the official language impede cross-cultural communicati on; misunderstanding; distrust; from the pragmatism point of view, language is ju st symbol of meaning an d ideas. Almost all the language have the same function

3、要保护 dying language 政府需要花费大量资源,对于贫困国家来说意义不大 according to the theory of “natural selection” in the realm of language similar to the domain of ecology, we can conclude that there is no need for government to sp end too much time and energy to save them for it is an useless effort against the language evolution itself. In the remote mountainous areas of China can we find the Kejia villages with Kejia villagers whose language Kejia dialect is. With the complicated structures and the confused pronunciations, the in trinsic function of Kejia dialect can not be fulfilled in modern society for it will take a lot of time for outsiders to understand, let along use it to communicate with Kejia people . With fewer and fewer people using it, this dialect is on the brink of extinction now. When it comes to whether govern ment should act to preserve it, several questions should be answered in advance: Is it an advanced language tool or it has already been outdated? How much value can we obtain from the language? Does it promote or block the cultural development?

deploy limited resouces to fight a losing battle



1 世界上的少数语言正在消亡。由于全球化加剧,由于各国统一语言,一些少数民族的语言甚至方言正在消失。比如美国的印第安语,澳洲土著的语言。

2 任何地区的方言是这个地区的重要的文化遗产,对研究地区的历史文化有着重要的意义,因此国家应该采取措施保护。比如说:非洲部落的中口头流传的民间故事可以帮助考古学家寻找失落的古文明。

3 同时作为这些语言的拥有者,也应当自觉主动地从个人做起保护和继承其语言。

.界上鲜为人知的语言的确是在遭受灭顶之灾。在国际上,随着全球化的发展,很多殖民地国家开始放弃自己的土语aboriginal ,转而学习英语或者法语;另一方面,语言是交流的工具,如果原来的语言不再被广泛适用,慢慢便会消失


语言是一个民族的象征,也是一个民族文化最基本的元素,政府应该保护民族的语言,这样有利于保护民族文化,人类财富wealth。 任何地区的方言是这个地区的重要的文化遗产,对研究地区的历史文化有着重要的意义,因此国家应该采取措施保护。比如说:非洲部落的中口头流传的民间故事可以帮助考古学家寻找失落的古文明。国家应该在这些地区开设和本地语言有关的课程,鼓励人们学自己的语言,同时也应该出版一些这些语言的出版物,如图书,报纸,广播等。比如在中国,为了保护藏 Tibet 文化,政府在当地开设了藏语文化科课,而且有很多藏语出版物,这样就有助于保护这门语言。

【题目】"Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."



Some countries should take actions to prevent there languages that are facing extinct from dying out.So does the people themselves who own the languages.








一、语言的重要性,小语种被全球化 encroach,应该保留;但全球化的语言 prevalence 又很必要 international communication ,因此政府只需支持少数 scientists 去研究,尤其在资源有限时,不用可以追求数量

二、语言是 carrier,其本身也是宝藏 not only are languages carriers of human history, but also they themselves are treasures of human beings.

1.失去语言就失去了通往一个祖先努力、长期建立的文明的 access

2.历史资料(history, archeology) 必须语言解读, 除非找到 hints Rosetta Stone

3.evidence of human's intelligence, differing from other species, 应该被value

三、同化使多样性消失 assimilation that jeopardizes the diversity of languages and cultures emerges with colonialism in the past or with globalization at present.

1.以前是殖民地时期,被逼,Daudet, the last lesson, Prussia

2. 现在是全球化

四、但通用语言确实有好处 we do need a uniform language to communicate and to learn from the strong in the worldwide environment.

1.世界上最先进的技术、知识用英语表达,计算机 adopt English as its official language ,国际会议 stipulate English presentation, meeting paper

2. 如果不学习等于固步自封,tunnel vision ,尤其是小语种国家都比较穷

五、所以最好的办法是政府资助小部分科学家学习、研究 the best way for government, considering both the importance of language and the necessity of using an international language, is to protect lesser-known languages by supporting a fe w experts to learn and research them.

1.有限的资源,还有更 pressing的问题

2.日常不需要,不需要大规模的学,把重心从数量上转移到 the researching application ,比如某语言只有在研究非洲某部落的文明时才有用。

六、结论:practicality and limited reso urces, striking a balance

13T "Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."


When retrospecting development of recent history, we may find many languages of the world are becoming extinct.

① 需要保护。正面说:代表了一个民族的文化和历史,能够从中吸取到一些精华。反面说:当一种语言消灭时,倚赖其的文化也会消亡。With the disappearing of native language, at the same time, native culture constructed on the language is perishing.

② 但语言的消亡是正常现象。就如在适者生存一样,当不适应社会发展时,就会自然被淘汰。如:许多原住民的 aboriginal 语言 随着全球化被英语取代

③ 政府所关注的不应该是由多少人使用这个语言。有价值的语言应该由政府拨款给学者或博物馆进行研究保存。

With the development of globalization, increasing cooperation within countries brings each country both prosperities especially in science and technology, and impact on culture.




