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GRE写作别老是用这些词 ,解决用词重复问题从它们开始,快来看看吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

GRE写作别老是用这些词 解决用词重复问题从它们开始


GRE写作评分中关于用词有一个非常具体的评判标准,demonstrates control of language, including diction and syntactic variety,即通过用词用句的变化性有效地体现行文语言的多样性。而许多中国考生的写作被扣分,正是因为用词过于单调重复和口语化。特别是一些常用词汇,只要在写作中出现就很容易造成扣分,下面小编列举5个最常见的容易过度使用而导致扣分的词汇:


Example:The swimmer really performed admirably.

“Really”表示“真的”,有强调的作用。但很多时候“really”并没有告诉读者或听者任何重要、有用的信息,缺乏说服力。如果你想要表达一个事实,不妨尝试去掉“really”,反倒更让信服。比如:The swimmer performed admirably.

GRE写作常见重复用词介绍:Things/ Stuff

Example: “The article said a lot of things and stuff.”

Things和Stuff这两个词汇十分模糊,作者自己可以清楚地了解Things和Stuff代表的含义,但读者显然不能。Things和Stuff到底指什么?为什么会有Things和Stuff?我如何获得这些Things和Stuff?这都是读者会产生的问题。所以与其图一时省事,不如清晰地描述出你的想法,这样你的写出的句子才会有力量。例如:The aricle discussed the principles of interactive design.

GRE写作常见重复用词介绍:I believe/I feel/I think

Example: “I believe the author has a great point here…”

很多人认为在观点前加上“I believe/I feel/I think”可以表明立场,避免逻辑漏洞,也更容易让人接受自己的想法。但如果对方本身对你的认可度不高,你的“I believe/I feel/I think”反而会引起对方的抵抗情绪。过度小心翼翼会让你显得没有自信,不够真诚。你完全可以说:“The researcher has a great point here.”


Example: “The letter was mailed by Sally.”

使用Was/Is/Are/Am和不使用的区别在于被动和主动的区别。在这个例句中,Was/Is/Are/Am让句式变成更为复杂的被动,而在地道的英语思维中,应该尽可能少地使用被动语态;另一方面,当你使用被动句,句子的主旨也会随之改变,从Sally变成了letter。英文写作要做到简洁有力,“Sally mailed the letter.”显然比“The letter was mailed by Sally.”表达的更清晰。


Example:Scientistsare very interested in finding out more about the duck-billed platypus“Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write‘very’; your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it shouldbe.” — Mark Twain

very是最常被大家使用的一个单词,但也是最苍白的一个单词。一句“very good”远不如“wonderful”来得生动。要记住,读者的时间非常宝贵,你的语言一定要精简。


GRE Issue写作优秀实例:想法付诸行动的困难性


It is easy to welcome innovation and accept new ideas. What most people find difficult, however, is accepting the way these new ideas are put into practice.



The writer of the issue connotates an ironic phenomenon: though innovation is required in our era and eulogized by most people, application of it is clannished vehemently because of the fear of failure and the possibility of obtained possession and tradition impairing. The author grasps the paradox psychology of most people and pertinently reveals a universal mentality.

As is known that innovation may bring big progress and result in even a revolutionary transition of a society: the elevated efficiency of work, the ameliorated life, the enticing fruit of new technology and so on. Following with innovation of the second industrial revolution, great changes took place and immediately a renewed world unfolded before us with the application of its fruits. Seeing unimaginable profits and the magic power, who (including the society and government) can suppress their agitating desire to restrict development of innovation?

Unfortunately, innovation doesn't always follow the people's will and always acts like an uncontroled horse running in the plain. Worrying about the side-effect, people have to hold their desire back but admire those who are brave enough to taste crabs for the first time. Not everyone possesses the same courage as Biil Gate's, who dare invest on a fresh field and give up the chance of studying in Harvard University, which is the dream of most aggressive young people. Often, pondering what they have already possessed with what they might get from innovation, most people prefer the former to the latter, even content to sacrifice the latter to ensure the integer of the former. For example, a department may enroll those who are not very deft in the work but behave complaisant before higher-ups and deny to those who stick to their innovational opinion obstinately. After all, it is required more to cooperate with others harmoniously and conform to the traditional rules nowadays than to creat a new law according to individual penchant, in any company and corporation.

Maybe, some one argues that, how to cultivate innovation if personality should abdicate to interests of collective? Does the statement above alludes that employees should do nothing but keep silent and follow what the higher-ups dictated, strangling their inspiration to accord to the criterion today? No doubt, such supposition is rediculous. I mean that employees should try to approach their original though to tenet of the collective, not attempt to disobey the existed norm, respect suggestion and supposition of others and circumspect the innovation and then discuss with all the members in the company. That is, responsibility should be taken before the innovation is applied to practice.

Of course, many people don't have the ability that controling their compulsion of carrying their innovation into application. It doesn't lack of people who dare not apply innovation, and people who hold innovational thought are not scarc either, however,those who possess both of the two abilities and are lucky enough to encounter a proper opportunity to release their innovation is very few. The seperation of spirit of application and creation of innovation is the root of the the strange phenomenon, that innovation and new ideas are here and there while the acceptance and combination of them with application is too little to be heard.

GRE作文每日精选范例:The Consequences You Sow

Action And Effect

All motive and action affects the cosmos in some way. The principle of cause and effect is the truth that allows us to change ourselves and the world around us for the better. However, this same universal law is also at work when change is not at the forefront of our minds. Our intentions flow forever outward in the form of energy, affecting both the people closest to us and billions of individuals we will likely never meet. For this reason, we should strive always to speak, think, and behave with great thoughtfulness and compassion. The virtues we choose to embody can inspire joy and integrity in the lives of countless people, whether we touch their existence directly or not.

The influence we wield is infinite. In an effort to internalize our conscious understanding of the nature of cause and effect, we can never truly know how our thoughts, emotions, words, or actions will manifest themselves on the larger universal stage because it is likely that the furthest-reaching effects will fall outside the range of our perception. We can only look to the guidance of our conscience, which will help us determine whether each of our choices is contributing to humanity's illumination or setting the stage for unintended troubles. When we are in doubt, we need only remember that the cultivation of altruism inevitably leads to a harvest of goodwill and grace. Motivated by a sincere desire to spread goodness, we will be naturally drawn to those choices that will help us express our commitment to universal well-being.

Nothing you do, however minor or mundane, is ever exempt from the rules of cause and effect. From the moment of your birth, you have served as an agent of change, setting forces beyond your comprehension into motion across the surface of the earth and beyond. You can exert conscious control over this transformative energy simply by examining your intentions and endeavoring always to promote peace, positive energy, and passion in your ideas and actions. While you may never fully comprehend the extent of your purposefully heartfelt influence, you can rest assured that it will be universally felt.






