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Dialogue 1

A: Did you go over the contract with our supplier? They drafted a new contract after we changed our pricing agreement last summer. Nothing has been signed yet, we only have a verbal agreement so far.

B: I saw the contract before it wen to our legal department. It seemed really detailed this time. I guess they want to make sure we don't leavey any loopholes.

A: I am glad we have our legal team to review it. The legal jargon in all the clauses make my head spin!

B: Mine too! But it's important to have a detailed and specific contract in case there are disagreements that arise later. If there is a problem, we can just go back to what's on the paper. It's a good way to protect us, and them.

A: Sometimes I really long for the time when a man's word was good enough.

B: That time doesn't exist anymore. If you don't have it in writing, then it's your word against theirs. Verbal agreements aren't worth the paper they're written on!

A: I guess you're right!

Dialogue 2

A: Can you help me make sense of this contract? I don 't quite understand this phrase....

B: Let me see, "The two undersigned are in agreement to the following terms. Party A shall be responsible for furnishing Party B with materials as follows." Well, that's a pretty complicated way to say you both agree to something and sign your names to certify.

A: So if I sign here, that makes me Party A, right?

B: Yes. Then you have to abide by all the requirements listed in this contract for Party A.

A: What about what is says here, "Terms and conditions of this agreement are void in the case of natural disaster or acts of God."

B: That means unless something very big happens, like an earthquake or a tsunami, you will be bound to the contract and can't get out of it.

A: That serious, huh?

B: Sounds like it. Before you sign this contract, I would go over it with a fine-tooth comb if I were you. Make sure it's what you want.

A: Good idear. I'll probably have to get a dictionary!



Dialogue 1

M: I can't believe it, Handcup Marketing's lawer just served us with papers, they are suing us for breaching contract on the Anderson's account.

F: Did you get it into our legal counsel Mr Devis? He knows about this, right?

M: Yes, as soon as I got notice, I contacted him right away, he's suposed to be comging into office now.

F: When is the hearing scheduled?

M: In two weeks' time. I hope that Mr Devis has time to make a good defense.

F: Perhaps it wont't even make it to trial, if we're lucky, the judge would dismiss the case in the prenominated hearing, that would save us a fortune in legal fees.

M: If it does go to trial, I'm afaid the prosecution would have a head day marking our company through the press, there could be a lot stake. Where is Mr Devis?

F: I'm sure he's on his way, maybe he's rounding up some witnesses for us now.

Dialogue 2

M: Miss Hubble, as your legal counsel, I want to advise you against making any statements to the press about the trial, it could be very damaging to our case.

F: Mr Lawrence, I appreciate your advice, I know you're good lawer, but I want to prove to the people I'm innocent.

M: Talking to the press won't prove anything, proving your innocent is my job, we can work up good case to withstand the prosecution, other than a few witnesses who gave comforting tesimonies, they don't have any substential evidence against you.

F: Do I have to take the stand tommorrow?

M: Yes, you're scheduled to take this stand, remember, you will be under oath, be careful not to make any misstatements, they could ditch you for perjury.

F: Do you think it's a fair jury?

M: The jury seems fine, we have a fighting chance to win this thing, just remember to give your testimony, just the way we went over it.

商务英语中级情景口语: 管理技能培训

Management Training

Dialogue 1

A: Here at Brookstone, we hire for attitude, but we train for ability. What that means is our employee base is made up of a team of teamworking go-getters, who have the right stuff to learn and develop their skills continually.

B: What kinds of training programs are available to staff?

A: Our training focuses on leadership development. We have one specific course that is called our Management Success System, or MSS. We don't just teach technical aptitude, but we also allow our managers and supervisors an in-depth learning experience that includes a three-month leadership course. The program's focus is to help our management team develop a global view of our company, so our future senior leaders will know the issues facing our industry and be prepared to be an effective leader of a worldwide organization.

B: It sounds like a really rigorous program. It's not easy to cultivate globalized leadership. Which employees are eligible for the training course?

A: There is a competitive selection process. Participant criteria includes a high performance record, positive feedback by peers and supervisors, and a desire to participate and advance in the company.

Dialogue 2

A: Welcome everyone to the first session of our leadership workshop. As you all know, you've all been hand-picked by senior staff management to participate, and from your performance reviews, I know you're the cream of the crop. I hope you all appreciate the opportunity to work on your management abilities, and become further indoctrinated in our company culture and business plans. To start with, do we have any questions?

B: Excuse me, yes... I would like to know a little more about our schedule for the training. What days will we be meeting? How long will the training sessions take? How long will the course last? Is there homework?

A: We will meet weekly on Thursday mornings. Each session will last three hours, and the course has a duration of three months. You will have assignments that will require out of class time to complete. This training course is a comprehensive and intense preparation for you. The parcipants of this course are the future leaders of this corporation, with a great percentage of the graduate going on to promotions into the senior management circle. Our goal is to equip you with all the skills and understanding of a multinational company that will enable you to be an effective leader.



Dialogue 1

M:Half of the new executives hired in the next six months must come from the majority backgrounds.New company polity is to eliminate any kind of discriminatory attitudes that may have been prevalent in the past.

W:What is that?Some kind of new affirmative action?You know I am strictly against any kind of quarter system.It just doesn't seem fair to hire someone for his race,and not for his qualifications and experience.

M:That is the point exactly.If you look our current makes of managerial level staff,90 percent come from majority background.Were just too homogenous,how many qualified and experienced minorities were turned away because of their color of the skin or the sound of their accent.I believe that it's time for a change.If we need a quarter system that helps us to put that change to effect,then so be it.

W:Quarters may for such to be more homogenous,but they can't garantee a high quality of staff.And diversity is not all its correct up to be either.

M:what do you mean?

W:For one thing,diversity usually brings contention,will suddenly be dealing with all kinds of issues and conflicts that were never a big deal before.One small example is bilingualism and multiple language presenting of company materials.That's costly and inefficient,but sometime is necessary when you bring minority into the picture.I've seen that happened to the company before.

M:Diversities may not be the efficient,you're right.But it brings other things to the table.You see conflict,I see creativity;you see inefficient,I see innovation.We need more than one way of doing things.

Dilogue 2

M:How's the job search going?Any luck?

W:I'm getting pretty fed up with how much discrimination there is in the workfore these days.

M:What do you mean?

W:I mean that every time I send out a resume and get called back for an interview.They imediately change their minds as soon as they see the color of my skin.I am thinking that it is just my save of everybody's time if I send a picture with my resume first.To let them know that I'm not a blonde-haired,blue-eyed American,I'm 100 percent of American,but it just so happens that I come from Asian ancestry.So I do not look any different on the outside.

M:So because of your heritage,people won't give you a chance to become an English teacher.

w:No,I am perfectly qualified.English is my native language.Hack,I've been went to university for 4 years to become an English teacher.But here is the outside appearence that is more important than any kind of ability.

M:That's right.You can see any joke-blow out of the street with the right looks get tunneled jobs.But you don't feel the sterile type,you're out of luck.



