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例子引入短语一 such as 和Like

用such as与like来举例,是广大考生比较熟悉的,但是在使用的时候需要注意以下几点:

1. 在such as与like之前是笼统的概念,后面跟具体的含细节的例子,如上面的expert guidance(专业指导)就是笼统的概念,而help with course preparations and methodology for appropriate lesson giving就是具体的含细节的例子。

2. 用such as比用like正式,在正式场合,应尽量使用such as。

3. such as中的as与like都是介词,后跟名词或动词的ing形式,如Activities such as rock climbing, bungee jumping and parachuting are extreme sports(攀岩,蹦极与跳伞都是极限运动)。在托福写作考试的过程中,单词的词性一定要慎重考虑,选择单词的正确词性(动词、名词、形容词、副词等)非常重要。

例子引入短语二 include和range from…to…

这两种引入现象的方法并没有被很多考生所掌握,特别是range from…to…。可以这样说,能够正确使用range from…to…的考生英语写作基础往往都是不错的。使用include与range from…to…,我们需要注意以下几点:

1. include与range from…to…可用作一般现在时形式,如例句1与3;也可用作ing形式,如例句2与4。

2. range from…to…通常表示范围比较广,如上面的ranging from course preparations to methodology for appropriate lesson giving,也就是说,从备课经验到恰当的上课方法论(当然还包括像如何对付调皮的学生,如何与学生家长配合让学生的学习效率最大化等方面),该有的都会有,“应有尽有”。

3. 我们一定要有意识地学习并使用如range from…to…等更加高级的表达方式,而不是停留在自己已经熟知的套路上。

例子引入短语三.for example和for instance

提到举例,相信大部分考生都会第一时间想到for example或for instance,甚至有些考生一篇独立写作中有四五个for example,因为在托福独立写作中会有多个地方用到举例。从常理来说,这样不但会让评分人产生“审美疲劳”,而且也给人以英语知识积累不多,犯“词穷”之感。《托福考试官方指南》是要求考生在独立写作中体现syntactic variety(句法多样性)的。鉴于此,笔者建议尽量不要使用for example与for instance。但是,如果对这两种表达情有独钟,非要使用不可,也是可以的,但需要注意以下几点(for example与for instance同义,可互换):

1. 尽量将for example/for instance写成插入语,这样可以增加句法多样性。

2. Take, for example/for instance, …就相当于我们所熟悉的Take … for example/for instance。

3. for example/for instance一般可插入到一个句子的主语与谓语之间。

上文中,小站君为大家详细介绍了三类托福独立写作常用例子引入短语。从文中我们可以看到for example和for instance太过常用,建议少用;such as 和Like有正式和非正式之分,要用对场合;include和range from…to…会用的较少,大家可以学习用法在写作中学以致用。

托福写作解析:Why people attend college


Why people attend college?

People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



为了实现理想(ideal; idealistic)为了保证将来的就业机会 父母要求子女上大学 别人都上大学了,所以自己也选择读书 找不到工作。


After graduating from high school many young people have the option to directly enter the work force. Most students who have the opportunity, however, decide to go to college before finding jobs (They attend college to obtain more choices,higher salaries, and more opportunities for advancement in an increasingly competitive job market. Before attending college, students have a limited opportunity to specialize. After obtaining a specific college degree a job applicant can be competitive for previously unavailable jobs.

For instance, applicants with Computer Science degrees would not only be qualified for jobs in hightech companies, they would also be well prepared for any job with computer skills as a prerequisite. With a larger range of potential jobs to choose from, degree holders are more likely to find a job that suits their particular needs and interests.

Additionally, employers are willing to pay a premium for highly qualified applicants. For example, many companies desire employees who are competent in more than one language and offer higher salaries to attract them.

Even if a job applicant without a college degree has high standardized test scores, employers may still place a higher value on an applicant with similar test scores who also possesses credentials from a wellknown university. Because of the extent to which a college degree is accepted by employers as proof of competence in a given field, college graduates are not only more likely to receive more job offers, they can also command higher salaries than applicants who lack college diplomas.

Finally, in addition to offering more choices and higher salaries, a college degree offers access to jobs with a clear path towards professional advancement. A B.S. in biology, for example, could allow a student to find a job in a lab after graduation, a first step on the road towards a career in scientific research. The same major could also be used to apply to medical school, and a career as a doctor. Both of these avenues would be unavailable without taking the first step of an undergraduate degree in biology.



In an effort to encourage ecologicallysustainable forestry practices, an international organization started issuingcertifications to wood companies that meet high ecological standards by onserving resources and recycling materials. Companies that receive thiscertification can attract customers by advertising their product as Ecocertified. Around the world, many wood companies have adopted new, ecologicallyfriendly practices in order to receive Eco certification. However, it is unlikelythat wood companies in the United Stated will do the same, for several reasons.


First, American consumers are exposed to somuch advertising that they would not value or even pay attention to the Ecocertification label. Because so many mediocre products are labeled “new” or“improved,” American consumers do not place much trust in advertising claims ingeneral.


Second, Eco certified wood will be moreexpensive than uncertified wood because in order to earn Eco certification, awood company must pay to have its business examined by a certification Agency.This additional cost gets passed on to consumers – American consumers tend tobe strongly motivated by price, and therefore they are likely to choose cheaperuncertified wood products. Accordingly, American wood companies will prefer tokeep their prices low rather than obtain Eco certification.


Third, although some people claim that italways makes good business sense for American companies to keep up with thedevelopments in the rest of the world, this argument is not convincing.Pursuing certification would make sense for American wood companies only ifthey marketed most of their products abroad. But that is not the case –American wood businesses sell most of their products in the United States,catering to a very large customer base that is satisfied with themerchandise.



- Main point: 环保认证对于美国木材公司意义不大

- Sub point 1:美国消费者对于广告上的环保认证并不信任

- Sub point 2:环保认证会提高产品价格,而美国的消费者对于价格敏感

- Sub point 3:这项认证只对海外市场有效,而美国木材公司的市场主要在国内


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