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1. 介词短语作状语:



I study hard. (副词hard用作状语)

I study with diligence. (介词短语with diligence 用作状语)

雅思写作考试第二句比第一句高明,不仅是因为字数优势,词汇独特,更重要的是它诠释了雅思写作中的一个语法亮点:使用介词短语(亦称介宾短语)with diligence 作状语,修饰谓语动词study。副词作状语可谓妇孺皆知,相当于公共插座,谁都能过来充电。

还需注意:以后各位在描述别人勤奋的时候,别再没完没了地使用“hard working”, “work hard”等曾祖母级别的词汇了,推荐如下词汇:

1) diligent diligence

adj. 勤奋的 n. 勤奋

2)industrious industriousness

adj. 勤奋的 n. 勤奋



美国老龄化人口的比例在1995年到1998年期间以最高速率增长 (增长最快)。

The proportion of aged population in USA rose with the highest rate during 1995 to 1998.

The proportion of aged population in USA rose the most rapidly during 1995 to 1998.

前者是介词短语作状语(下划横线标识)。同样,可以使用“with the lowest rate” 修饰动词增长或下降,表示以最低速率增长或下降。后者是副词用作状语(下划横线标识)。



The percentage of aged population in Sweden is estimated to increase on continuous basis from 2020 to 2040.

持续增长表述为increase on continuous basis,而没有使用公共插座级的表述increase continuously。介词短语 on……basis 用作状语,译为“以……为基础”,再加上中间那个形容词的倾情奉献,这个介词短语组合可谓特立独行,笑傲风月,向读者昭示:不是所有牛奶都叫特伦苏,不是所有状语都是介宾范儿。



The contribution of hydro power to the total electricity production in Australia raises on steady basis during 1990 to 2000.




He has a full time job.

He has a job on full time basis.




As indicated in the graph, the area with the highest increase rate of language students is Asia, which rose from 20 in 2001 to 60 in 2003.

介词短语修饰名词area,译为“增长率最高的地区”。同样,亦可使用定语从句表达:the area which was of the highest increase rate。有型有范儿,形神兼备。不过,使用定语从句时,您得小心先行词which后面的谓语动词的形式,使用过去式还是单数第三人称,心里要有数。否则,就是主谓不一致,无情地破坏了句型的整体审美效果,相当于旗袍从腋下开气儿,远观之,如同身披门帘儿。



Information with complicated contents which derives from international news is often beyond the scope of students’ knowledge.


还需注意:吐血推荐精品词组一枚:be beyond the scope of one’s knowledge 译为:超出某人的知识范围。它的作用是:以委婉隽秀的方式表达“我不知道”,替换I do not know. 或者I have no idea.

例如:Your question is beyond the scope of my knowledge. 译为:你的问题超出了我的知识范围。可谓意境深远,笑傲风月,相当于“在下三尺微命,一介腐儒,才疏学浅,难堪此任”。


A recent newspaper article reports that a 14-year-old boy who seriously destroyed his school got a punishment to clean streets instead of sent to the prison, do you think this is right, or the young criminals should be sent to the jail?


Children nowadays are exposed in a diversified environment where they have absolute access to internet, being able to befriend with people from a variety of backgrounds. This may result in children’s antisocial behavior and there is a beat debate on whether teenagers who commit serious crimes should be punished by doing some volunteering jobs or being imprisoned.

Contributing to their community can be an effective way to tell them that they are victimizing other people. One argument in its favor is that they are immature. It would be a difficult thing to predict the consequences of their behavior and law knowledge not be sufficiently acquired at that young age. Another important factor in this respect is that they are formable in character compared to adult criminal, thus it is better to educate them. Doing something valuable to their society can embed a sense of responsibility in them and give them an opportunity to reflect on their deviance, which will truly rectify their criminality.

However, of course those who advocate custody sentence may have some plausibility to some extent. Allowing them to recognize their mistakes is the priority of taking adolescent law breakers into prison. One received harsh penalty, preventing persistent crime seems to be possible. But the believers of this have ignored the issue over what if they are negatively influenced by other prisoners? How should they face the society with an ex-record especially when finding jobs.

In conclusion, I therefore believe that having faith in the young who go astray cannot be a more effective way to solve raging young criminal activities and taking responsibility for their living surroundings is the best way to do this.


There are many advertisements directed at children, such as snacks, toys and other goods. Parents argue that children are under pressure. Advertisers claim that the advertisements provide useful information. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


As children grow to be the target group of advertisement industry, a range of advertisements aimed at them have been produced, which had caused some controversies in the society.

Those who advocate the spread of advertising targeted at children deem that these advertisements can provide potential customers with a comprehensive understanding of the products advertised, which can help consumers make well-informed buying decisions. Since television advertisements can present goods in a visual and audio way, this can definitely enhance people’s knowledge of the advertised goods, especially some electronic toys or newly-introduced food.

On the other hand, parents are concerned that children are easily attracted by the vivid advertisement from the Internet or television, and because of it, kids will pester their parents to buy the goods advertised. Obviously, children are a group of consumers without the ability to distinguish good from bad and right from wrong. If they are convinced of the benefits of the products from the advertisement, they will not consider the negative aspects or further explore the truth of the advertisement itself.

Besides, peer pressure is another point which needs to be mentioned here. The widespread advertising campaign will make the public overwhelmed by these advertisements, which means there will always be some parents and children purchasing the advertised goods, and therefore, some psychological factor of children may urge a part of them to obtain the products even though they may not need the goods.

Personally, advertisements themselves contain a lot of information which can be quite useful for consumers. If the advertising industry can be well regulated and children being supervised when they are watching the advertisements, there is no need for parents to worry about the side effects by the widespread advertisements.


★ 雅思口语和雅思写作对比



