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为什么别人的分数那么高,自己却总是达不到预期。尤其是写作,简直是付出和回报不成比例。下面小编就和大家分享99.99%的学生都会犯的GRE写作逻辑错误 ,希望能够帮助到大家,快来学习一下吧。



1.sentence variety

最好长短句结合,藐视总用短句的人:Since most of the sentences are short and choppy, the ideas they try to communicate are also choppy.

2.insightful position


3.conveys meaning skillfully

可用于论证的一切技巧,比如文章的行文方向,起承转合不用明显的标志词,比如first, second, however, on the other hand, the second example illustrating my point,而是依靠论述的内在脉络自然而然的引到下一块内容。

4.compelling reasons


5.persuasive examples






8.connecting ideas lically

using transitional phrases起承转合词,过渡句,或有此种作用的句子,总之起到help organize the ideas and move the argument forward。



GRE 写作对逻辑思维能力要求很高,



在 Argument Task 中,考生需要阅读一篇已经写好的文章,分析作者如何构建论证,理清作者的文章结构,并找出论证可能存在的问题。而Issue Task 要求考生自己完成一篇有理有据的论证。无论哪个Task,都要求学生具备论证和推理的能力,而论证与推理基于的法则正是逻辑。









A social welfare provision refers to any program which seeks to provide a minimum level of income, service or other support for disadvantaged people such as the poor, the elderly, the disabled, students, unpaid workers such as mothers and other caregivers, and underprivileged groups. Social welfare programs are undertaken by governments as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Social welfare payments and services are typically provided free of charge or at a nominal fee, and are funded by the state, benefactors or by compulsory enrollment of the poor themselves.


States or nations that provide comprehensive social welfare programs are often identified as having a welfare state. In such countries, access to social welfare services is often considered a basic and inalienable right to those in need. In many cases these are considered natural rights, and indeed that position is borne out by the UN Convention on Social and Economic Rights and other treaty documents. Accordingly, many people refer to welfare within a context of social justice, making an analogy to rights of fair treatment or restraint in criminal justice.


Examples of social welfare services include the following:

1. Compulsory superannuation savings programs.

2. Compulsory social insurance programs, often based on income, to pay for the social welfare service being provided: these are often incorporated into the taxation system and may be inseparable from income tax.

3. Pensions or other financial aid, including social security and tax relief, to those with low incomes or inability to meet basic living costs, especially those who are raising children, elderly, unemployed, injured, sick or disabled.

4. Free or low cost nursing, medical and hospital care for those who are sick, injured or unable to care for themselves. This may also include free antenatal and postnatal care. Services may be provided in the community or a medical facility.

5. Free or low cost public education for all children, and financial aid, sometimes as a scholarship or pension, sometimes in the form of a suspensory loan, to students attending academic institutions or undertaking vocational training.

6. The state may also fund or operate social work and community based organizations that provide services that benefit disadvantaged people in the community.

7. Welfare money paid to persons, from a government, who are in need of financial assistance but who are unable to work for pay.



Social justice refers to the concept of a society in which justice is achieved in every aspect of society, rather than merely the administration of law. It generally refers to a society which affords individuals and groups fair treatment and a just share of the benefits of it. It can also refer to the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within a society.


Social justice is both a philosophical problem and an important issue in politics, religion and civil society. Most individuals wish to live in a just society, but different political ideologies have different conceptions of what a “just society” actually is. The term “social justice” is often employed by the political left to describe a society with a greater degree of economic egalitarianism, which may be achieved through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or property redistribution. The right wing also uses the term social justice, but generally believes that a just society is best achieved through the operation of a free market, which they believe provides equality of opportunity and promotes philanthropy and charity. Both right and left tend to agree on the importance of rule of law, human rights, and some form of a welfare safety net.


Social justice may be unfeasible economically. Many water-poor countries have recognized a “basic right to have drinking water” and then provided that access accordingly. This often resulted in water sources being over-used and then decimated.

On the other hand, some scholars reject the very idea of social justice as meaningless, religious, self-contradictory, and ideological, believing that to realize any degree of social justice is unfeasible, and that the attempt to do so must destroy all liberty. The most complete rejection of the concept of social justice comes from the Friedrich Hayek of the Austrian School of Economics: “The phrase ‘social justice’ is simply a semantic fraud from the same stable as People’s Democracy.” The purported goal of social justice is to eliminate economic inequities, but because these inequities are largely a result of individuals’ own choices, they can only be corrected by controlling said choices.


★ GRE写作:写作论据的技巧

★ GRE写作:高分技巧

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★ GRE写作:高分冲刺

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