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KEY 1:Budget your time carefully.

you have only a half hour in which to complete your work, You should use your time more or less as shown below::

Reading and thinking about the topic 2-3 minutes

Planning and taking notes 2-3 minutes

Writing the essay approximately 20 minutes~

Checking the essay 3-5 minutes

KEY 2:Read the question carefully.

You must write on the topic exactly as it is given。

KEY 3:Brainstorm.

Before you begin to write, spend a minute or two “brainstorming。” Think about the topic and the best way to approach ti。

KEY 4:Plan your essay before you write.

You don’t have to write out a formal outline with Roman numerals, capital letters, and so on. However, you should make some notes. By following your notes, you can organize your essay before you write, leaving you free to concentrate on the task of writing。

KEY 5:Be sure your handwriting is as clear and legible as possible.

Handwriting that is hard to read may unconsciously prejudice the readers who are grading you essay. Be sure your handwriting is not too small or too large。

KEY 6:Follow a clear, logical organization.

All TWE essay should consist of three basic parts:

An introductory paragraph

An body: consists of two or three paragraphs。

A concluding paragraph

KEY 7:Use concrete examples and specific reasons.

Whenever you make a general statement, you should support it with specific examples。

KEY 8:Use signal words to indicate transitions.

Signal words can be used to join paragraph to paragraph and sentence to sentence。

KEY 9:Use a variety of sentence types.

Good writing in English consists of a more or less equal balance between short, simple sentences consisting of only one clause and longer sentences containing two or more clauses. Therefore, make an effort to use sentences of various lengths。

KEY 10:Check your essay for errors.

Don’t cross out long sections or try to add a lot of new material. Look for obvious errors in punctuation, spelling, and capitalization as well as common grammatical mistakes。



Why is music important to many people?

People listen to music for different reasons and at different times. Why is music important to many people? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.


比较容易想到的一个理由是:Music provides an opportunity to escape the stress and difficulties of modern life. 当然,对于不怎么喜欢听音乐的同学来说这个话题还是有点难写的。大家也可以考虑一下这些理由,比如流行歌曲可以满足人们宣泄的要求(the desire to get something deep in the heart off one's chest; unbosom oneself; ),音乐可以满足人们的幻想;音乐还可以告诉人们很多其他国家的事情(文化、价值观等等)。


Music exists all around the world in thousands of forms and manifestations. It spans time and geography as an ever-present theme in the lives of all people. There is no culture without some form of music; from primitive man to the modern urban inhabitants, and from Tibet to New York City. Musicians come from all walks of life and express their emotions and their experiences, so that they may be shared with their community or even the world.

Different emotions call for different music. This idea is well illustrated by theatrical scoring and movie soundtracks. There is music that we listen to when we are sad, when we are happy, when we are angry, etc.. Music works with our emotions, and helps us to deal with the highs and lows of life. I believe that if there was no music, that man would live a much more stressful, embittered existence. At different ages we develop tastes for different types of music. Some people feel that as one matures they appreciate more complicated themes, styles and emotions in their music. For example, many young people today enjoy pop music, while their parents prefer to listen to classical music. Perhaps this is because young people are full of energy and therefore enjoy faster music. Their parents, on the other hand, have enough excitement during the day, and would therefore prefer to listen to music that is more soothing.

As our world changes, different styles of music become more appropriate and more relevant. For example, as we become more and more technologically inclined, the music we listen to has followed the same trend. Young people today are currently experimenting with electronic music because of this. Musical instruments also advance technologically as time passes. In the last few decades, man has invented both the electric guitar and the synthesizer, which has revolutionized music around the world. A person's choice in music is highly individualistic. Even family members can sometimes not agree on what the best type of music is. Through thousands of years of evolution, music has become one of man's greatest companions. It can help people to celebrate their joy, and it consoles people when they are depressed.



What would you take when preparing for a one-year trip in addition to personal necessities?

Imagine that you are preparing for a trip. You plan to be away from your home for a year. In addition to clothing and personal care items, you can take one additional thing. What would you take and why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.


这道题目对很多将来有计划出国留学的同学是比较有现实意义的,因为很可能就是大家以后留学前要考虑的问题,所以大家可以借着写文章的机会先思考起来。思考携带物品的时候大家需要注意题目给出的提示In addition to clothing and personal care items,所以衣服和个人护理用品就不要写出来了。一般来说像是计算机、全家福照片、书之类具有通讯作用和纪念意义的物品大家可以优先考虑起来,也比较好展开话题。


During the planning of an extended trip away from home, we have to decide what items to carry with us. While considering this problem I pondered many possibilities, such as a family photo album, my journal, my music collection and many others. Finally I realized that the best thing for me to bring on an extended journey would be my laptop.

A laptop computer can act as a journal. In fact it can outperform a journal in its abilities to catalogue experiences. With this added functionality, I could add pictures, captured with the web cam and sounds, captured with the built-in microphone, to the text. As there is a diverse range of software available for computers, there is an added possibility of loading my experiences on to a web page and publishing them on the Internet.

While traveling or living abroad, it is often necessary to communicate with loved ones or business colleagues. In spite of the ever-decreasing cost of international calls, long distance telephone bills can quickly add up. Once again a laptop computer has the ability of solving this problem. With a relatively inexpensive Internet connection, a person can harness one of the most powerful attributes of a computer: communication. This form of communication adds the extra abilities of being able to see the person you are contacting and allow people to share files, information and even programs.

A new city can be a lonely place and it can take a significant amount of time to adjust to a new environment and make friend. During such a transitional period, it can be very helpful for one to have access to entertainment: reading a book as an e-book, playing a video game, or watching a DVD, all of which can be done on a laptop. Entertaining oneself can also be a marvelous way to pass the time on a long bus ride or flight.

Hence, I posit that a laptop is the ultimate travel companion, whether for a short journey or an extended voyage. Personal computer seems to solve many of the problems that arise from travel.


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