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1. 阅读能力(快、准)

2. 听写和速记能力(不是简单词不记,是记重点名词、动词或短语)

3. 一定的改写能力(这个就是我们对于句型的运用,涉及句子表达准确性、语态、词的适当替换等)。




Inthe listening material, the professor made several points about the invasion ofthe zebra mussels can be stopped.

Firstof all, the reading passage states that the human transportation will cause theinvasion of the zabra mussels, while the professor contradicts that people cannotcontrol it in the past because of the lack of the knowledge. On the other hand,the ocean water will be taken by the ship to replace the freshwater, which maykill the mussels.

Moreover,the reading passage also mentions that if the mussels are taken to the newplace, they won't have predators, while the professor refutes that they candominate it just for a short time. They will be a new food source for birds, sothey can not dominant in the end.

Furthermore,the reading passage then talks that the invasion of the mussels will cause thedecline in the fish population in its area, while the professor departs from itthat it is true that mussels have negative impact in plankton. But for otherfish, mussels provide nutrition for fish at the bottom of the lake.

Thisis the entirely opposed to the writer's expectation.


Inthis listening material, the professor states several points about global cooling caused by the Little Ice Age.

First,the reading material states that after the ocean currents melted, the glaciersproduce an enormous number of cold freshwater into the Gulf Stream. This actioninfluenced the earth’s climate strongly, while the professor in the listening material disagrees that the cooling water just affected Europe and parts ofNorth America, but it can’t explain global cooling, or the cooling in southernarea.

Second,the reading material says that the volcanic eruption caused the Little Ice Ageas they generate dark clouds with dust and sulfur gas into our atmosphere whichwill reduce the earth’s temperature. By contrast, the professor contradictsthat the volcanic eruption produce colorful clouds and gases, but those gasesare not strong enough to decrease the earth’s temperature.

Lastly,the reading material mentions that the decrease of human population affect theearth’s temperature indirectly because we no longer cut substantial number oftrees and let the forest grow freely, these trees absorb carbon dioxide andthat will reduce the earth’s temperature. However, the professor objects thatpeople still cut a large number of trees and the short cease of deforestationis not long enough to cause the global cooling.



What method of learning is best for you?

People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things. Which of these methods of learning is best for you? Use specific examples to support your choice.


最适合自己的学习方式,这个题目的难度较低,因为不同考生完全可以结合自身的实际经历来展开写作。而且题目当中本身也已经给出了3个选择,大家如果不想自己另想答案可以直接从这3种学习方式里挑一个出来展开。当然也可以采用保险起见的it depends策略,比如要看学什么内容来决定等等。


There are many different methods that people use for learning. Some people learn with hands-on experience, others learn by reading, and still others learn by listening to discussion of other people. It is generally believed that learning is a subjective process, and it is important to discover the ways in which one learns best. I find that personally, learning by doing things is the best way. First, I find that the hands-on method is right for me because I am a very visual learner. If I can see what is happening, I have a much easier time understanding it. Reading a book does not give me this ease. When I read a book in order to gain knowledge, particularly technical one, I sometimes have trouble visualizing exactly what is being explained. However, when I actually see the process happening, it is much easier for me to understand. I also use a visual method when I am studying English. For example, if I am working on new vocabulary, I will write the words down, and then draw pictures of the words to remind myself of the meaning. Going through the process of drawing the pictures greatly increases my ability to memorize any type of information. When a picture is too simple to be enough or is hard to draw, I will close my eye and draw a mental picture that serves more helpful. It seems as though most businesses prefer people to have this hands-on experience as well. It is rare to find a good job that does not require applicants to have spent a certain amount of time doing a similar type of work in the past. By having this past experience, it shows that they have learnt to do a particular task well, and that they have practical knowledge of the job. In conclusion, I think that hands-on learning is best for me, and beneficial for my future. As stated above, however, everyone learns in a different style, and it is important to find the most efficient method for themselves.



Spend time with one or two close friends, or with a large number of friends?

Some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends. Others choose to spend time with a large number of friends. Compare the advantages of each choice. Which of these two ways of spending time do you prefer? Use specific reasons to support your answer.




Of the two possibilities, I prefer the first, that is, to spend my time with one or two close friends, because I enjoy close friendship with one or two people and the cozy atmosphere of spending time with close friends. When spending time with a large number of friends, it tends to be difficult to form solid, meaningful friendships with any of the people, since cultivating friendship needs time to communicate. On the other hand, when spending time with only one or two close friends, it is more likely to get to know these people on a very close level. I think this closeness is very important in a friendship. In fact, if I share no closeness with a person, then I do not consider him a friend; I consider him an acquaintance. Moreover, it is not only closeness but also the cozy atmosphere that makes me prefer spending time with only one or two friends. In this cozy atmosphere, I always feel there is nothing that I could not or would not tell my friends, as they feel the same. This means we can trust each other completely. Although this doesn't at all mean there's no cozy atmosphere or complete trust when spending time with many friends, it is my observation that everyone tends to be more open in private. This is why I enjoy the intimate friendship. In addition, spending time with few friends can save much time, since the relationship among a few people is more likely to be simpler. I'm not proficient at dealing with relationship among people, and often get frustrated communicating with a crowd. However, when I am spending time with one or two close friends, this doesn't matter at all. In fact, my close friends, notwithstanding few in number, always tell me I'm their best friend who can truly care about them and handle the relationship smoothly. I think it is my personality that has me make such a choice.


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