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我们可以根据这样一个公式进行: 主题句+说理+举例(数据)+总结例子+(反面论述)= 充分论证


Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.

我们用分类讨论的方法来写这道题, 按小孩子和成人分类讨论。

比如: 我们的主题句: 对于小孩子来说, 广告的确是他们不良饮食习惯的罪魁祸首。


举例: 麦当劳经常会在广告中夸大食品的尺寸和美味程度,有时候还会推出购买套餐送儿童玩具的广告宣传,很多小孩会因为想要品尝美味的食品或得到玩具而恳请父母带他们去吃这样的快餐。 而麦当劳的很多食品都是经过油炸处理的,而且调味料也是比较多的, 虽然好吃但是会使儿童一次性摄取过多热量而导致肥胖或者其它疾病。







Buy a house or a business?

You have enough money to purchase either a house or a business. Which would you choose to buy? Give specific reasons to explain your choice.


这道题目审题时候需要特别注意一点,那就是enough这个词本身是比较模糊含混(highly ambiguous)的词。并没有具体告诉你多少钱,所以这里小编建议大家可以采取it depends的策略,也就是要看钱的数量是多少来决定做什么。当然无视enough也不是不可以,但就需要把选择的理由和道理讲得更深入一些了。比如买房子可以用来孝敬父母;可以让全家享受;而且会增值;很少的风险。而做生意则可以锻炼能力;运营得好的话可以赚很多钱,能买更好的房子;但是风险很大。


Choosing whether to buy a house or a business with saved money is a huge decision to make. There are many benefits to both of choices; however, I think that if I had enough money to buy one or the other, I would choose to buy a house.

When one buys a business, he/she is required to spend long, hard hours to ensure that the business is a success. Starting a business is no easy task, and statistics state that half of new businesses fail within the first year.

If one buys a house instead of a business, there is nothing that can fail. A house sometimes requires repairs, but usually such repairs can be done on one's own schedule.

A house is also an excellent investment. With the world population rising as quickly as it is, it is a very good idea to become a property owner. In the coming years, land will become more and more expensive, and therefore less attainable. Also, if one buys a house, it is likely that he/she will be able to sell it at a reasonable profit in the future. Providing for one's family is very important, and a house is a stable investment for a family.

Finally, owning a house is a good idea because it saves you from giving someone else money every month for your rent. Usually, when one buys a house, he/she has a mortgage that he/she must pay off in the coming years.

In most cases, the mortgage costs approximately the same amount of money as renting an apartment. It makes much more sense to pay for your own home, rather than adding to the wealth of someone else. In conclusion, I think it is a far better idea to buy a house rather than a business. A house requires less work, it is an excellent investment, and it allows you to keep your money by spending it on your own assets, rather than someone else's. In addition to these reasons, you can also rent out your house to someone else, thus creating an extra source of income for yourself.



What have you learned about a country from watching its movies?

Films can tell us a lot about the country where they were made. What have you learned about a country from watching its movies? Use specific examples and details to support your response.




One of the favorite pastimes of people today is watching movies. Movies can teach us a great amount about the world, especially if we watch movies from another culture. When watching a foreign movie, we can learn about the landscape and scenery of the country, the country's ethics and customs, and its historical events.

The world is a great and varied place, from the immense mountains of the Himalayas to the deserts of America. By watching movies, one can gain insight as to what these beautiful places are like. For example, I recently watched a number of movies filmed in America. I learned about the beautiful beaches of California, national parks such as Yellowstone and Niagara Falls, as well as man-made wonders such as the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, and the Golden Gate Bridge. Watching foreign movies is an excellent way to deduce where one wants to travel, if he/she has such an opportunity.

Watching movies also teaches us about a country's ethics and customs. For example, while watching American movies, I learned that children do not show as much respect to their parents as we do here in China. In some cases, children were very disrespectful of their elders, and ignored their wishes outright. I was shocked by this behavior. To give another example, I also learned about table manners in America, which are quite different from the rules we follow in China.

Furthermore, one can learn about a country's history by watching films. For instance, there are many movies that have been made about the wars in America, such as Gone With the Wind. Movies such as this show foreign viewers why America is the free and independent society that it is today. Hence, watching foreign movies is an excellent way to learn about faraway lands. One can learn about the landscape of a place, about its culture, as well as its history. Perhaps schools should consider watching foreign movies in classes to provoke interest from the students about such lands.


★ 托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:开在社区里的大商场

★ 托福写作必须掌握的关联词



