TOEFL作文考:“吃饭是在家里吃好,还是到饭店里吃好”; GMAT考和商业有关的:“产品制造出来是延续时间很长的好,还是延续时间不太长的好”;GRE作文:“在我们这个社会中间,现在专业人士太多了,而有综合知识的人太少了。你认为我们是更需要具有专业知识的人呢,还是需要具有广博知识的人?”
TOEFL考生活、学习;GRE 考日常学术行为。但是不管它出什么题目,总是会摆出两种态度供你选择。另外,GRE的作文题目是提前发给你的,考试时出的题目绝不会超出它事先发给你的题目。它决不会出让学生看不懂的题目。所出的题目永远是世界性的,不涉及民族、宗教、政治色彩。
我考察了普林斯顿所出的全部范文后发现,美国人百分之七八十喜欢倾向于一种模式。讨论在哪里吃的问题时,要不在家里吃,要不在饭店吃,但是你不要又想在家里,又想在饭店(A OR B)。当然他们也比较认可中间的态度(C),也就是说,我既要A又要B,我是A和B结合起来产生C。事实上,好多中国学生结合A、B写是能写出好分数的。当然也有些题目是没有C这种态度的。
如果是采取A或B的写法,段落结构是比较简单的。通常分为三个层次,第一个层次是第一段。说明我要采取A还是B。第二个层次可以不只一段,说明为什么选择A/B是对的。为什么要有三段呢。因为必须至少有2个理由,至多3个理由。美国人认为一个理由是不够的,4个理由绝对太多。他们最喜欢 2到3个理由。最后一段就是结尾,讨论B的缺点和部分优点,同时坚决强调你要选择A。
C模式:它有两大难点。1。你要表明A和B 的必不可少性,所以你的段落就会很长;2第二段就要写A的好处、缺陷都在哪;3要写B的好处和缺点;4 要证明只有把A和B结合起来才能弘扬两者的优点,避免缺点。这样的文章是最合情合理的,优点是非常的reasonable。缺点是这种文章的长度比我们前面说到的第一种类型的文章,至少要长出1/3。而你写的越长就越容易犯句子语法和结构,以及拼写的错误。所以如果你的写作水平很一般的话,就不要用这种
对于问题发挥型题目,你怎么发挥,怎么犯逻辑错误都没有问题,只要你能保证你观点的正确,并能用具体的事实证明你的观点。而对于 argument/争论 型题目就不同了。它的出题方式是给你一段话,这段话后再给出一个总结。然后让你挑出它的逻辑错误。需要你作的是.它的结论或者对其加以补充。你只要拿出三点理由把它.就行了。这三点理由从哪里找呢,从文章里面找,从文章的周边关系找,从文章的背后找。
1. 文章中没有任何统计数据告诉我们飞机的碰撞百分之百是商用飞机,因此如果避免碰撞,就要在所有飞行物上安装这种仪表。
2. 安装了仪表后,是否需要人来操作。如果是,那么因为有人的原因,就不能避免碰撞。
3. 要是这个仪表系统坏了。
4. 也没有谈到气候问题,卫星干扰问题等干扰因素……
大家有时间的话务必把AI的提纲都列掉,然后挑重复率高的写。比如ISSUE里面有一道The greatest indicator of a nation....。另外有一点很重要的是,特别是对于A大家在写完几篇文章以后,尽快归纳出针对每一个instruction的模板,question这种可以写成一类,然后背出来。其实老G和新G的区别就在于,老G是一套模板走天下,新G准备4个模板,就这么简单。以后自己联系的时候,就根据模板来套,写到后来你会发现,你写出来的文章,不管题目怎么换,写出来的东西看起来都一样,这样Argument算基本练成了。模板最好自己写,根据头几篇写的文章来归纳,比如说我关于specific evidence这种题型,自己归纳的模板就是:
The argument is well presented and appears to be relatively sound at the first glance,the author concludes that__________. However, a close scrutiny about the argument will reveal that several specific evidences should be added in order to make the argument to be more cogent and convincing, for example:_________
Initially, the author must give evidence that_________. If we were to learn that _______, it would obviously weaken the conclusion. It may turn out to be that_____. To make his assurance eloquent, he must provide more specific evidences to consummate his argument.
Secondly, in order to______, we should also be informed that_______. In the argument, the author only said that__________. It may undermine the argument that if-_______. Without knowing_______, we can hardly accept the conclusion that______
Third, the author should eliminate the disturbance of other factors, for example, he should provide evidences that _______. Perhaps_____ or perhaps________. Either of these scenarios, if true, would cast serious doubt on the author’s claim. Without accounting for all other explanations, the arguer can’t reasonably conclude that___________;
To sum up, the argument is far from powerful enough to substantiate that______________ Before any final decisions are made about_____________, much more specific evidences are to be put forward to make the author’s argument more forceful and cogent.
The reason why students choose Buckingham College.
Perhaps it has qualified teachers.
Perhaps tuition fee is lower than colleges at the same level.
关于ISSUE,方法也差不多,主要的问题就是写提纲一定要仔细,把你对这个问题的观点,和引用的例子都写出来,不要想着自己能套一些Roosevelt, King什么的,想想就可以了,没有那么多例子让你套,还是要老老实实准备提纲。我写过一套完整的issue和argument的提纲,写的时候例子也放在提纲里,ISSUE跟A也一样,写完一遍提纲,自己重新看,到最后就是训练自己看到一个题,在2分钟以内迅速组织出一个比较详细的提纲。这样ISSUE的准备也就差不多了。
"The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things."
The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things because they are from places in the heart. These iseas draw you to learn more about them. The idea or ideas have become passionate to you by either personal experience or by observation. It catches your attention and causes you to examine why or how the occurance /idea exsists. Institentively the desire to know more about the idea pushes you into futher research of the subject. The idea can be something you don't understand to be acceptable or unacceptable. The drive to understand leads to passion and that passion drives you to develope a great idea.
This essay is fundamentally flawed; it does not present an organized, coherent response to the topic. Sentences and fragments are strung together with little, if any, underlying logic. The writer's position seems to be that the more passionate we are about an idea, the more we will pursue it. But this idea is not really developed, even in a perfunctory way.
The errors are so pervasive and fundamental that they seriously interfere with meaning. This response requires considerable revisions to receive a score higher than 1.
"The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things."
The thought of a passion
In reading such a passage as the one given to me as an assignment I can't help but think of an analogy that entered my mind. It is my enduring interest in the field of multimedia. I say this because of the ideas in which I cultivate as an artist of many media materials such as paints, film, computer animated software, etc. Being an expressionist I take in my surroundings and personal experiences from commonplaces and things and tell a story from my perspective using the various tools whether it be computer aided or hand drawn. My ideas come from people or things because it tells a story. The story can be abstract, little, big, or even strange. To record stories like these may spark ideas that may come to me in a domino effect. It's beautiful] I shared this with you to conclude that sometimes even common things such as a pencil and an empty page can spelllout your fate and unlimited possibilities when you have a passion or an interest that drives your hunger for innovation.
This essay is seriously flawed in its analysis of the issue. The writer attempts to address the topic by focusing on his or her interest in "multimedia" art. Yet, while isolated words and phrases from the topic appear throughout the essay, the essay never clearly states a position on the issue. For example, in a discussion of multimedia art, the writer makes the following observation: "Being an expressionist I take in my surroundings and personal experiences from commonplaces and things and tell a story from my perspective using the various tools whether it be computer aided or hand drawn." The essay circles around the issue, without ever really engaging it.
The essay is also marked by serious flaws in language use: inaccurate word choice ("and tell a story from my perspective using the various tools whether it be computer aided or hand drawn."), unclear pronoun reference ("My ideas come from people or things because it tells a story"), and, in general, a debilitating lack of clarity and precision. These errors frequently interfere with meaning, a characteristic of many essays scored 2.
★ GRE写作:高分技巧
★ GRE写作:写作论据的技巧
★ GRE写作:高分冲刺
★ GRE写作:列提纲的注意事项
★ 《金字塔原理》观后感精选范文1000字
★ 金字塔原理读后感
★ GRE写作:怎样准备提纲