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1. 逻辑混乱。





其实这可能和我们高中初中的英语教育有关系,大家都很喜欢一条一条摆原因。Firstly, secondly...然后后面至于这个ly后面是什么就不管了,一顿胡扯。也不管这段落与段落之间的衔接是否自然,反正都有什么ly给打头阵。






一般来说是:名人名事(知名度大)> 众人众事(样本大)>自己经历(体会深)>他人经历。假设往往不够有说服力,因为很难涉及到每一个变量。但是假设在有的时候可以行得通,就是在很难说清楚步骤和因果关系的时候,用一个假设场景来推导会让文章变得浅显易懂。



ok,乍一看这个没有问题。但是实际上问题大了,用goole查到很多资料,是因为电脑还是internet?这很容易就偏题了,变成internet对学生来说是有益的。例子一定要从论点出发,再回到论点。不要将你的论点发散,后果很可能就是越写越跑题。所以每次写好一篇文章,都看看,论据里的key words是不是和论点里的key words 一样,论点里的key words又是不是和题目里的key words一样。你的key words 可以比大题里的key words更加narrow,但是千万不要更加广泛。

最后说的逻辑错误,是段落中逻辑比较容易错的。一般是对接续词的运用。如However, thus, therefore,他们决定了上下文之间的关系,但是很多读起来就很奇怪,两者完全不是转折的关系,用了however,就会让人觉得有些无厘头。



"Wisdom is rightfully attributed not to people who know what to look for in life but to people who know what to overlook."

Everyone can agree with this issue or not. I think everyone can have arguments to support it and arguments to not support it. It's one of that issue that is not true for everyone. I think if you know what to look for in your life maybe all your efforts can be very concentrated on certain things with the result of obtain what you planned to have in your life, with the result of being satisfied more than people who ask themselves any kind of questions prior to doing anything or prior to think about anything. These factors summarize to display truth about the issue and the discussion. People can disagree if they choose it. Now the question is wisdom belongs to those who know what to look for or to those who know what to overlook and in this behavior they can touch or stop the widom of other people?


This response presents a fundamentally deficient discussion of the issue.

The first portion of the response, while referring to "this issue," never clearly identifies the issue and, instead, contains statements that could be attributed to any number of topics. As such, there is little evidence of the ability to organize and develop a coherent analysis of the stated claim. The final statement essentially rephrases the topic as a question and seems to try to interpret its meaning, but -- without an explanation -- the ending merely adds to the overall confusion.

The severe and persistent errors in language and sentence structure add to the overall incoherence and the score of 1.


"Wisdom is rightfully attributed not to people who know what to look for in life but to people who know what to overlook."

It is common sense to think or state that wisdom should be attributed to peopel who only know what to overlook in life. But is should also be attributed to people who only know what to look at in life. Reason for this is because all the people should be exposed to this concept of wisdom. Even if the people who tened to overlook at life may have more of a background from farther reading and reading and research which they may have engaged in, there has got to be a way to expose the other people who may not be as knowledgable, to this type of wisdom. In this way everyone will be able to take part in variouse discusion or debates that may be held based on the topicof what to Look For In Life. It is also very true that when the topic of overlooking or looking at life comes up in a discussion everyone in the room is likely to have a common of their own to add. Their for the wisdome that may based on it is for everyone and not only the most wise one.


This response received a score of 2, not because of language problems, but because reasoning, analysis, and development are extremely thin and insubstantial.

This response displays serious weaknesses in analyzing the issue. Although the response states a position and offers limited support for the position, the reasons given are not always clear. The writer seems to be making an interesting point -- that more people should "be exposed to this concept of wisdom," but here, too, the meaning is not communicated clearly.

The response is further flawed by serious and frequent problems in language and sentence structure, which often obscure meaning.

This is not a 1 essay because the response does present a position with some support, and it is able to communicate some ideas clearly.


★ GRE写作:高分技巧

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★ GRE写作:列提纲的注意事项

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