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1. 采用统计数字引出话题,把问题呈现在读者面前;

2. 提出有争议性的问题,激发读者兴趣,使其积极参与讨论;

3. 以新颖的观点,吸引读者注意力;

4. 呈现该话题正反方的观点;

5. 引用名人名言、谚语等作为文章的开头;

6. 对将要讨论的话题进行定义。

其次,要善于运用复合句,从而使引言段简洁明了,开宗明义。下面我们将探讨雅思与新托福各种题材和体裁文章引言段的写作方法。 引用数据呈现讨论的话题,说明问题的严重性或者重要性,引起读者的关注。下面我们结合几道雅思和新托福作文话题进行实战演练。

我们在写关于体罚的话题文章时,可以这样开头:It is reported that a boy in Zhuhai was beaten to death by his father on Father“ Day. Ample evidence also shows that children who are frequently abused by their parents or teachers tend to be introverted, pessimistic, indifferent and even world-weary. Recently, there has arisen a fierce argument on whether corporal punishment should be abolished. Teachers, parents and experts take diverse attitudes towards this issue.(据报道,在父亲节那天,珠海有个小男孩被老爸揍死了。充分的证据也显示,经常遭父母或老师虐待的小孩往往比较内向、悲观、冷漠甚至厌世。近来,关于是否应该废除体罚出现了一场激烈的争论,老师、家长和专家各执一词。)

而我们在写关于该不该禁烟的话题时,可以这样开头:A recent study conducted by Zhongshan University has found that the number of smokers has been increasing sharply over the past five years. Research findings also reveal that the incidence of smoking-related conditions has soared. As a result, the ban on smoking has been in the spotlight. (中山大学最近做的一个研究表明,在过去五年里,吸烟者人数急剧上升。研究结果同时显示,吸烟导致的疾病发病率也急剧增长。因此,禁烟成了个热点话题。


托福写作解析 必备的写作技能


第二,理清完整的文章结构。托福写作通常是鱼骨头(Fish Bone)式结构。开头段+中间三段+结尾段。千万不要小看这样的结构,以为这样的结构过于简单,过于八股。其实,新托福写作考查的也就是考生是否会熟练运用这样的结构去表达自己对一个观点的看法。







英语毕竟不是我们的母语,很多考生在学习英语的时候习惯性的用中式思维来表达自己的观点,比如很多考生用black society来表达黑社会的含义,用eight hang来表达八卦的意思。但是判卷的考官并不是中国人,考官并不明白考生真正想要表达的意思是什么,考生在托福写作考试中,很容易因为这样而出现低分的现象。








People who develop different skills are more successful than people who develop one skill only.




When it comes to the qualities of successful people, people varying in education background and experience tend to give distinctive answers. Some would argue that those who are successful should be versatile and excel in lots of skills like communication skills, leadership skills and even organizational skills while others believe that one who is exceptional in one area is more likely to be successful. I personally believe that a versatile person with various skill sets can be more successful.

Admittedly, as the saying goes Jack of all trades and master of none and there are rare cases where some people who are expert in only one field stand out. However, it is more common for versatile people with multiple skills to be successful because of the following reasons.

First off, people who are talented and versatile are more competitive and competent in their career, and they enjoy a better change to be promoted in a professional setting. Actually, a lot of positions require a combination of skill sets, such as paying attention to details, knowledge in a specific field and communication skills, etc. Indeed, more skills will give someone more chance to get promoted. For instance, if a computer programmer just knows how to write program and focuses only on the technical side of the job, chances are that he would never get promoted. On the other hand, if not only does the computer programmer have programming skills but also he is a genius people-wise, he might get a better shot to be promoted as a manager in charge of a team of computer programmers. Thus, he can enjoy more opportunities in his career.

Additionally, it is much easier for a versatile person with various skill sets to build rapport with people and make friends. It is self-evident that people with all kinds of skills will be very attractive and charismatic. A person who not only has professional knowledge in one specific field but also has people skills and leadership skills will be very popular and standing out among his or her peers. For instance, my friend Alex, a bright young professional working in the financial industrial. He was awarded the most valuable banker in his company because of his professionalism and dedication to serving the customers and clients. Not only is he successful in his professional life, but also he is an amateur violinist. Actually, he plays for a city choir to represent the community and go against other cities' choir. Such skills can be very useful when building up connections with people and thus he can expand his social network easily. Furthermore, he can use these skills to entertain his clients and customers on certain occasions and have their trust on him.

In conclusion, a versatile person with various skill sets can be more competitive and outstrip others in the workplace, eventually they enjoy better chance to be promoted. Another advantage of having multiples skills is that it can be much easier and readily for them to network and expand their social connections.(新东方 孟炎)


★ 托福写作必须掌握的关联词



