托福写作词汇使用正确方法细节指点, 单复数问题要注意。今天小编给大家带来了托福写作词汇使用正确方法细节指点,希望可以帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
托福写作词汇使用正确方法细节指点 单复数问题要注意
Student can get more benefits from traditional schools than distance learning.
这句话里traditionalschools 指的是传统的学校,而distance learning指的是远程教育,所以这句话的意思是学生是学生能从传统学校获得比远程教育更多的好处。这句看上去还顺的话有一个明显的语病,不知道同学们有没有发现,那就student应该改成a student或者students.
We can receive some helpful advices from our faithful friends.
从上面两个小例子我们可以看出,简单的名词也会成为同学们学习作文中的绊脚石。但是名词又是特别重要的单词,因为它们是作为句子的主语或者宾语。下面我给大家简单的总结一下。英文的名词分为可数和不可数名词。对于可数名词如果不是复数形式(通常加s或者es),前面一定要加冠词(a,the)或者形容词(this,that, our…)表示名词的指代和所有人。
不可数名词可以分词两类。第一类是很容易理解的抽象想法或者情感,比如正义(justice),高兴(happiness)。这类事物是我们没有办法用身体去触及的。而第二类事物是我们特别需要注意的,即不能被数算的单词。有时候英文里的单词与我们中文的概念不太一样,这类单词就需要我们特别去记。如上面出现过的advice(建议) ,information (信息),news(新闻)这些单词如果我们不留心,便很容易误认为是可数名词。另外,很多与食物相关的单词如rice,sugar, butter, water 等等也不可数,但是可以通过加上量词来表达复数的概念,如两磅糖(twopounds of sugar),两杯咖啡(twocups of coffee),两千克黄油(two kilograms of butter)等。
Employee can have more personal space if they can work at home although their productivity may decrease.
I would like two coffee, please.
Some events are not reported by the medias in objective way.
Conflicts may occur between local resident and tourist.
Employee——employees;two coffee——two cups of coffee;medias——media(媒体),objective way——an objective way;resident and tourist——residents and tourists.
It is better for elders to take risks and explore new things than young people.
2016年5月29日托福独立写作真题及参考范文(新东方 孟炎)
Conventional wisdom generally believes that it is easier for young people to be exposed to innovative ideas and new concepts so that they can catch up with the current news and most up to date information. Elders, on the other hand, are supposed to relax and enjoy their retirement to the fullest extent. However, I have a totally different perspective on this issue and tend to believe that older people need to explore new things more than young people.
Admittedly, young people are generally more healthy and energetic than the elders, hence it is more likely for them to come up with new ideas and perspectives than elders. Indeed, as we can tell that professionals in different fields like scientists, business men, lawyers tend to have be more competitive and sharp when they are at a young age, actually, research shows that the average age of billionaires is well below 40. Nonetheless, it is more important for elders to stay touch with the latest trend and continue their lifelong learning.
First and foremost, continued learning makes it possible for elders to stay in touch with the currents and build a deeper connection with younger family members. The only thing that doesn't change in today's world is change itself, new electronic gadgets, innovative treatment to cure incurable diseases, creative business ideas and approaches that are unthinkable in the past, you name it. It can be disastrous if elders stop being an active learner and retreat to the primitive mindset. For instance, young people are fond of new electronic devices like ipad, iphone and stuff, and they use these gadgets to stay in touch with their peers and families. If a grandpa has not even heard of twitter or instagram, it will be impossible for the two generations to stay connected.
Additionally, a host of research done by a world famous psychiatrist show that elders who give up learning and have no access to new ideas tend to suffer from dementia and Alzheimer. On the other hand, other search shows that elders who keep learning will stay in touch with the world and are more healthier both physically and mentally. Based on my personal experience, I find elders around who are willing to learn and embrace new things are less dependent on their families and tend to be better connected with their children and grandchildren. Plus, they are more creative and productive when they access their frontal lobe and avoid their primitive mindset. Staying active and keeping exploring new things make it possible for seniors to seek for the true meaning and value of life, which in turn will inspire and motivate younger generation to take risks and accept challenges in life.
In a nutshell, we can safely draw the conclusion that it is better for elders to take risks and explore in new endeavors than the younger generations since it helps elders reconnect with their families and makes them more independent, productive and inspirational.
What is the most important action for the government to take for the protection of environmental problems? Fund researches on new energy sources such as solar and wind power? Protect forests and natural wildlife species? Pass and enforce laws to reduce the pollution.
三选一类题目会给出三个选项A, B, C让学生去选择一个。这种题的答题方法为开头段-正文段第一段B好-正文段第二段B的另一个优点-正文段第三段B比A好/A的缺点和B比C好/C的缺点-结尾段。
What one of the following is the most important action for the government to take for the protection of natural environment?
(1)fund research on new energy sources such as solar and wind power;
(2)preserve natural places such as forests and natural wildlife species.
(3)pass and enforce laws to reduce the pollution produced by companies and industries
题目大意:对政府来说,要想保护自然环境,政府最应该采取哪项措施:资助研究新能源,保护栖息地和动物,制定法规来减少公司的污染排放。 此题目为三选一的题目,波波提醒各位小伙伴,对于这样的题目,我们有两点要做到:1.必须要清楚选出一个选项,2.三个选项在整篇文章论述中务必都要提到。只要能做到上述两点即可,所以三选一题目的写作结构非常灵活,下面是波波选择的一种写法,仅供参考。
Taking a panoromic view of human history, we can readily find that the natural environment plays an enormously important role in determing the future of each and every country. Given the great significance of clean environment, the general public as well as the governors begin to wonder which is the most essential action to protect the environment, among funding new energy research, preserving natural habitat or enacting strict laws. Towards such a long-running tug-of-war, I am inclined to argue that national governments should invest financial support in developing new energy sources.
Initially, spending more money in discovering new energy can radically solve the various environmental problems. As is common sense, the deteriorating environment is the result of the overexploitation of fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas. To be specific, numerous chemical plants usually burn the coal to provide power for manufacturing all kinds of goods designed to satisfy the basic needs of the general public. As a result, a large amounts of industrial wastes are discharged to take a toll on the natural environment. Also, an increasing number of petrol-powered automobiles will definitely emit car exhause(e.g. fumes and toxic gas), which can increase the likelihood of the public suffering from respiratory diseases. All the above problems related to environment can be resolved by find new and clean energy like solar energy, wind power and tidal power. Undoubtedly, replacing the traditional energy with the new ones can dramatically decrease the pollution and contamination, thus leading to a better living environment. For example, once the cars uses the electricity instead of petrol, the air quality will improve to a large extent.
Secondly, there are conspicuous limitation of the other two options. As for preserving natural places, the effect of this practice is relatively restricted. To illustrate, the traditional energy sources are usually exploited and discovered in the natural places. Consequently, the preservation of natural places will hinder the access to various energy and thus impede the progress of the whole society. Also, the same logic applies to passing laws to reduce pollution. It is an indisputable fact that across the globe, many countries now are heaviely dependent on the industries and factories which produce pollutions. In other words, once the law of punishing these companies is enforced, these corporation may have to cut down their output and make less profits, even ending up going bankcrupt. Accordingly, the national economy and the living standard of the public will suffer too.
Factoring what has been discussed above, we can conclude that funding research of environmental friendly energy will be more preferable, because finding proper alternative energy is the key to solving the environmental problems comprehensively.