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雅思小作文满分标准1---- Task Achievement

雅思小作文满分标准2---- Coherence and Cohesion

雅思小作文满分标准3 ---- Lexical resource

雅思小作文满分标准要点 1 ---- Task Achievement

1.fully satisfies all the requirements of the task


考生在写作时首先要仔细阅读题干,读懂题目要求。小作文标题一般分两句话,第一句话介绍图表内容,第二句话提出要求。 一般要求都是:Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 也就是说,写作时要做到两点:选择并总结出表格的主要特征,同时进行适当的比较分析。 考生如果只是列出一些图表信息,而不进行适当分析的话,则无法获得高分。

2. clearly presents a fully developed response




(3)主要内容完整、切题、正确、有理有据: 考生要能自然地展开论述,善始善终地表达观点、陈述事实。所举论据能很好的支持论点。

雅思小作文满分标准要点 2 ---- Coherence and Cohesion

1. uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention


好文章的最高境界就是:“连贯得让人没有感觉”。也就是说不刻意用连接词,不滥用模板句和过渡句, 而做到句与句之间逻辑清晰,语意连贯,连接词和短语的运用信手拈来,整个文章浑然一体。





2. skillfully manages paragraphing






雅思小作文满分标准要点 3 ---- Lexical resource

Uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features; rare minor errors occur only as 'slips'.



1.多样:体现出多变的用词。考生不仅仅要会用最基础的词汇,同时要能体现出运用高端书面词汇的能力。 另外,考生还应注意变换地运用同义词,而不是重复同一个词。这一点对于雅思小作文写作尤为重要,例如考生在描述一条曲线的趋势时,经常会反复表达上升、下降、最高点、最低点等意义, 这就需要考生在日常的学习过程中,多注重相关词汇的积累。





雅思小作文满分标准要点 4 ---- Grammatical range and accuracy

Uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’


1.Wide range of structures: 要体现出能运用各种句式结构的能力,包括简单句、各类从句、分词短语、并列句等等。

2.Flexibility: 灵活运用各类句型。文章长短句交错,每句话的形式结构恰到好处,为合理传递信息表达思想而服务。

3.Accuracy: 尽量避免语法错误,包括时态、语态、句式、标点的错误等。

4.Rare minor errors: 满分作文也并非要完全避免语法错误。考生在写作时应在清晰表达思路的前提下,尽量注意语法问题。


2014年8月雅思写作预测题目:资历重要还是社交技能重要。Some employers are giving more importance to people of good social skills, while others think good qualifications are more important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.现提供本篇雅思写作解题思路供大家参考。


Qualification equals ability to a large extent, and expertise generally determines the quality of service, e.g. doctors, programmers, engineers, etc.

Some may say a few people without qualification can also become useful talents. But to ensure the efficiency of recruitment, e.g. those held by large scale enterprises, conducting employment based on the qualifications of candidates is proven advisable, especially in the first round.


In achieving many objectives, qualification cannot promise anything at all. For example, all managers have to be effective in communication and persuasion, which has little to do with their qualifications. Also, many job positions require excellent interpersonal skills, e.g. marketing, sales, business negotiation, etc. In those cases, degrees are virtually useless while experience bear much more weight.

Modern projects are often so complicated and challenging that instead of individual talents, excellent teamwork is more crucial. Therefore, knowing how to cooperate, i.e. a strong sense of cooperation is more helpful to both employees and companies.


2014年8月雅思写作预测题目:更看重老人还是更看重年轻人。In some cultures elderly people are highly valued, while in some other cultures youth are more valued. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Old people are boasted of their experience and wisdom in handling complex situation. 公 司是否应该让老年员工退休以给年轻人机会 ;政府重要职位是否由年轻人担当好 不好 ; 老龄化社会利弊; 年轻人失业(老年人的优点就是年轻人的缺点 ); 政府 资助年轻人

Old employees perform more proficiently in many professions (e.g. bank clerk, lawyer and doctor) which means they are more reliable. 公司是否应该让老年员工退休以给年轻 人机会 ;政府重要职位是否由年轻人担当好不好 ;老龄化社会利弊 ;年轻人失业

(老年人的优点就是年轻人的缺点 ); 政府资助年轻人

Old people have encountered the twists and turns of life, and are hence more responsible and even-­‐tempered (稳重的). Whereas, the younger generation is normally considered immature. 公司是否应该让老年员工退休以给年轻人机会;政府重要职位是否由 年轻人担当好不好 ;老龄化社会利弊 ;年轻人失 业(老年人的优点就是年轻人的 缺点 ); 政府资助年轻人

In many countries, the well-­‐rounded welfare system has spoiled young people: the absence of living pressure leads to the immaturity of the youth (lack social responsibilities), resulting to prevalent adolescent misbehaviour, e.g. hatred to school, inadequate work skills, drinking under legal age, taking drugs, passive life attitude, and even anti-­‐social behaviors such as

the riot in England last year. 公司是否应该让老年员工退休以给年轻人机会 ;年轻人

厌学; 年轻人失业(老年人的优点就是年轻人的缺点 ); 年轻人犯罪; 政府资助 年轻人;反社会行为


Young people are more energetic and efficient, being able to take painstaking works of the society. In fact, the sound development of the younger generation can guarantee (确保) a

promising prospect (前景) of a country. 公司是否应该让老年员工退休以给年轻人机 会;政府重要职位是否由年轻人担当好不好; 政府资助年轻人

Young people are more creative and flexible. In contrast, the old tend to have fixated mindset. 公司是否应该让老年员工退休以给年轻人机会;政府重要职位是否由年 轻人担当好不好; 政府资助年轻人

When it comes to the cost of employment, young people are more economical to companies, because to them, the opportunity of development far outweighs salaries. 公司 是否应该让老年员工退休以给年轻人机会 ;政府重要职位是否由年轻人担当好不 好; 政府资助年轻人

The ageing of society is a sticky issue: many governments had to up the retirement age because of the limited budget for pension, and entered a vicious circle (恶性循环), in which old people are forced to compete with the younger generation for the few openings, inevitably causing unemployment. 公司是否应该让老年员工退休以给年轻人机会; 老龄化社会利弊



Companies should encourage old employees (55 years old) to retire, in order to give oppor tunities to the new generation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In some countries, it is illegal for companies to reject job applicants because of their age. To what extent do you agree or disagree it is a positive development?


More and more young people hold important positions in government. Some people think it is not suitable but others think otherwise. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


The trend of the proportion of older people is increasing steadily. Is it positive or negative to society?

The survey shows that in many countries, the people are living longer but increased life expectancy has many implications for the aging individuals and for society as a whole. What are the possible effects of longer living for individuals and society? How can we solve it?


Many young people leave school with a negative attitude. Why does this happen? What do you think can encourage young people to have a positive attitude?


A large number of young people cannot find a job after leaving school. What problems will youth unemployment cause for individuals and society? what measures should be taken to reduce the level of unemployment among young people?


Recent years, the number of crimes committed by young people in major cities throughout the world is increasing. Why is this happening? Please give some solutions.


The best way for a country to prepare the future is to invest more resources on its young people. What is the best way to spend resources? To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Today there is a great increase in anti-­‐social behaviors and lack of respect to others. What are the causes of this? Please offer some solutions.


2014年8月雅思写作预测题目:人们过度消费对社会造成的影响。Nowadays, people like to throw away damaged things and buy new ones while people in the past would always reuse them by repair. To what extent do you agree or disagree that this is a negative trend?

支持正方 人们过度消费对社会造成的影响

The behaviour of throwing exhausts resources and triggers all sorts of pollution.

People with such habit are leading a wasteful life, which will result into unhealthy trend of life.

Those who keep buying will form a psychology of comparison and will even become shopping maniac.

The habit of reuse is environmentally friendly, and goes along with the idea of low carbon life.

As well as saving money, repairing improves people’s surviving skills.

A healthy mood of satisfaction can be maintained when one repairs a lot and makes only necessary purchase.

The habit of repeating consumption will probably attract sizeable social resources to production. If this became true, we would find ourselves in great difficulty, because repair

work would then be in short supply, and poor people would not be able to afford it, which would further induce an instable society.



Now people are consuming more and more products. Is it good or bad for the economy and the society?


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