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托福写作高分学霸备考经验整理, 常用功能性句式一览,今天小编给大家带来了托福写作高分学霸备考经验整理,希望能够给帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

托福写作高分学霸备考经验整理 常用功能性句式一览


1. 强调重要性的句式

(1) The importance of ... can never be overestimated.

注释:这个句子可在全文的任何地方出现,可以用于表达观点:As far as I'm concerned, the importance of learning English can never be overestimated.也可以用于总结:Thus, the importance of cultivating a sense of independence can never be overestimated.

(2) ... has been playing an increasingly important role in ...

注释:这个句子可用于开头:Today, Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our society。也可以在段落首用于表达观点,不过我个人通常用于表达观点,因为开头我有固定模板。

(3) ... is a strong determinant of ...

注释:这个句子类似(1)句,也是可以在任何地方出现,比如whether a student has developed some skills is a strong determinant of whether he can get a good job.

2. 权衡对比表达观点的句式

(1) when ..., we need to give full consideration to ...

注释:这句话很显然是用于表达观点的,我一般在第一段的最后一句使用:when deciding on building a chemical plant, the government should give full consideration to the advantages and disadvantages it will bring to the community.

(2) ... is valued more than ...

注释:这句也是用来表达观点的,我一般用在第一段:developing economy is valued more than protecting environment by some people。

(3) favor ... as opposed to ...

注释:相比之下更喜欢,也是用于表达观点:Many people favor protecting the environment as opposed to developing the economy alone.

3. 举例常用句式表达


A perfect example can be found in ...

... serves as a perfect example

... has well illustrated this

例如:A perfect example can be found in Microsoft which insists on clean technology.

Microsoft, which insists on clean technology, serves as a perfect example.

Microsoft, which insists on clean technology, has well illustrated this.


... is not alone in ...

比如:Microsoft is not alone in holding the idea。


4. 描述结果的句式

(1) the attempt by ... to ... has been a tremendous success.

注释:这个句子也可以用于举例也可以用于总结:The attempt by the government to help gaint panda has been a tremendous success.

(2) a better understanding of ... will enable ...

注释:这个句子超有用,可以用于表达观点,可以用于总结,可以用于引出例子:A better underdtanding of ourselves will enable us to live better lives.

(3) an examination of ... will confirm such a fact that ...

注释:这个也超有用,我主要用来引出例证和表达观点: An examination of those students with excellent academic performance will confirm such a fact that diligence and efficient methods contribute a lot to their success.

(4) ... have generally come to recognize the wisdom of ...

注释:这个句子可放在开头:Most people now have generally come to recognize the wisdom of being able to speak English.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:spend money for outer space or basic needs


Spend money exploring outer space, or for basic needs on Earth?

Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and to other planets). Other people disagree and think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.


陈述exploring outer space的重要性:国力(national power)的体现。参考例子:CNN曾有过一个专题节目 (monograph)专门讨论“美国人是否真的曾经登陆月球”(Did American Astronauts Really Reach the Moon.)结论是,美国政府作假(that event was a cheat)。陈述basic needs on Earth的重要性:多举几个例子。立场上,选择后者应该更容易写一些。


In the last one hundred years, space exploration has become more and more common: a number of countries have reportedly sent spaceships to the moon, there are dozens of satellites orbiting the earth, and there are massive telescopes floating in space whose purpose is to find out what else could be out there. However, I tend to agree that governments should spend money for basic needs. Throughout the world, there are millions and millions of people who are homeless, and even cannot afford to eat. These people need help from the government. If the government has so much money to spend on space exploration, they should easily be able to have enough money to help these people gain entry to the working world. The government could set up programs which allow homeless people to train for jobs. This would be a much better way to spend money than exploring space. Pollution is another major problem which plagues all of the industrial nations. Instead of spending money on other planets, we should be focusing on how to fix the one we live on. The ozone layer is getting thinner and thinner every year, which means that the sun's radiation is causing more damage to people and the environment. The governments need to design a method to drastically reduce pollution, or else we might need to move to one of those other planets they are exploring! In addition to the problems of pollution and homelessness, the general population could use the money as well. In many countries, including our own, the health care and education system leave so many things to be desired. I think that more money should be put towards making citizens healthier and wiser. In conclusion, while the study of space is fascinating, I believe that governments spend too much money exploring the great unknown, when they should be focusing on the needs of people on earth.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:dancing play important role in culture


Does dancing play an important role in a culture?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Dancing plays an important role in a culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


这个题目乍看起来很不好写。同意这个观点(Dancing is really important in every culture.)。可以采取it depends 的策略。舞蹈的娱乐作用(as a important mean of entertainments)也是important role in a culture,所以种文化中都有其独特的舞蹈形式(dancing form)。原始社会(primitive society)时,舞蹈是非常重要的。庆祝(celebration; festival),祈祷(pray),宗教仪式(ritual) 等等活动中,舞蹈都是最主要的组成部分(one of the most important components)。随着社会的发展,宗教仪式(ritual)演变成了歌剧(opera),舞蹈仍然是很重要的娱乐手段。时间进入21世纪,各种娱乐手段开始丰富起来,舞蹈尽管已经不是主流的(main)娱乐方式,但是仍然非常重要。某年的奥斯卡(Oscar)得主就是一个歌舞剧(musical drama)——芝加哥(Chicago).


There are a number of qualities that have always been present in cultures, recent or ancient. These qualities can be anything from art forms to culturally gained knowledge. These qualities make the culture unique, and allow the culture to offer something interesting to the world. Throughout history, dancing has always played such a role in cultures. This is because dance allows us to express emotion, preserve heritage, and entertain. Dancing has always held a high position in culture, as it is an excellent way of expressing emotion. Much like the painter using color to convey emotion, dancers can use their body as a tool to show the onlooker their happiness, sadness, pain, etc. Dancing is also an excellent method of retaining and preserving culture. Many cultures have dance as part of their ceremonies, whether the ceremony is religious or patriotic in form. For example, it is a widely practiced norm to have people dance out a glorious moment in battle. In religion, it is common for people to dance to appease the God or Gods. Because of this, dancing is an excellent way to maintain culture, and ensure that important moments of the past are not forgotten. In modern days, it is much more common for dancing to be seen as a form of entertainment. Dancing has become somewhat of a sport in some countries, for example, ballroom dancing is very popular in the United States. There are hundreds of bars and disco clubs all over China which focus on dancing. They provide disc jockeys, more commonly referred to as "D.J.s", and play loud, repetitive music which encourages the young people to dance. There are many different styles of dance, but all bring the dancer to have fun, and get a good workout at the same time.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:Living places and weather changing


Living in places that have the same weather all year long, or in areas where the weather changes several times a year?

Some people prefer to live in places that have the same weather or climate all year long. Others like to live in areas where the weather changes several times a year. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.


随便选择哪一个都无所谓,之后罗列三个好处。比如,作为出生在北方的人,到了一年四季天气差不多的南方才发现,原来没有四季变化有很大的经济意义:一年两套衣服足矣,不像在北方,四季分明,总是花很多钱去买换季的衣服(change dress proper for the season)。再比如,四季分明,就多了很多自然景观。有很多南方人一辈子都没有亲眼见到(witness; with one's own eyes) 过雪。


Because China is such a vast country, the weather and climate changes dramatically from one part of the country to another. Some parts have a mild, warm temperature all year long, whereas other regions of the country have weather patterns that shift dramatically from hot to cold over the year. Given the choice to live in one type of climate or the other, I would choose to live in a region where the weather is constantly changing throughout the year. The reasons for this are varied. First, I enjoy the different seasons. Second, I take pleasure in many different sports, some of which require warm weather, and others require the cold. Finally, I enjoy living in a region with constantly changing weather because I think that change is good for one's health. As mentioned above, one aspect I love about living in a region with changing climates is the shift in seasons. I really enjoy walking through a city and being able to see the trees turn from bright green in the summer, to brown in the fall, to bare in the winter, and then come back to life again in the spring. I find the process of nature very beautiful, and appreciate living in a city where I can observe these changes. In addition to enjoying the seasons, I also get pleasure from playing a wide variety of sports. Some of these sports require summer weather, like swimming, but others require winter weather, like skiing or ice-skating. By living in a region with extreme changes in seasons, I am able to enjoy all of my favorite activities. Finally, I enjoy living in an area with changing temperatures because I believe that the extreme temperatures are good for one's health. By allowing one's body to adjust to the extremes, one builds their immune system and is healthier overall. Overall, I find that living in a changing environment is more interesting than living in one where the climate is always constant. I find that if I am sick of the cold in the winter, I can always take a short plane ride to somewhere that is warmer.



