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托福写作高分句式语料素材汇总分享, 论证事例实用句型一览。今天小编给大家带来了 托福写作高分句式语料素材汇总分享,希望能够给帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

托福写作高分句式语料素材汇总分享 论证事例实用句型一览



When it comes to accounting scandals and the corporate cover-ups that follow, there is little that is uniquely Japanese.


When it comes to…, there is little that is uniquely + adj.

When it comes to…, there is little that is confined to + n.


“当谈及某个问题的时候,并非仅仅局限于 …” 在独立写作的论证展开过程中,我们往往会举例子来佐证我们的论点。但例子是具有唯一性的,这时候,在例子后面加上这么一句“谈及某个问题,这并非仅仅局限于上述的案例”,是不是一下子就打破了例证的唯一性了( zhuangbility)!我们当然也可以做一些微整形,将其变为否定句,用于说理的时候反驳论点。


1. When it comes to the ever growing financial pressure and the negative impacts on both mental and physiological state that follow, there is little that is uniquely middle-aged.

2. When it comes to the fierce competition between friends and potential impacts on their friendships that follow, there is little that is uniquely negative.

3. When it comes to the successful development of a country and related investments that follow, there is little that is confined to improving educational quality.


1. Money is the most important aspect in a job.


2. Competition with friends usually have negative effect on friendship.


3. Improving schools is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.




Do you agree or disagree:It is better to wait in patience than take action? 等待比成功更加重要是否认同?



1. 企业家创业的故事,叔叔保罗为例,新产业是一片蓝海的时候去勇敢做第一个吃螃蟹的人(尝试的人),才能成功,对比的是,行业是一片红海的时候,再次入行,竞争激励,难以成功。

2. 儿童学习外语,很多父母有眼光,让他们赢在起跑线。

3. 恋爱的故事, 成功太慢,幸福减半。



1. Success comes from focus and effort, instead of cherishing rosy dreams and waiting in vain 成功来着专注和努力,而不是空怀梦想,徒劳等待。

2. Frustrations and hardships are always there waiting for you 人生总是充满了挫折和困苦。

解析:frustrate v 使挫败

拓展:frustration n 挫败

3. stand out from the rest = stand out in a crowd 出类拔萃

拓展:outstanding = exceptional = eminent 优秀的

4. realize one’s dream = fulfill one’s ambition 实现梦想

5. Only with a clear goal, a strong will-power, prompt efforts can a person put all the challenges under the feet and taste the sweetness of life. 我相信有了清晰的头脑,坚定的意志力,即刻的努力;我们才能战胜所有的挑战,品味生活的甜美。

点评:prompt efforts 即刻的努力

拓展:tips = to insure prompt service 为了保障及时的服务

6. When facing with unexpected adversity,one needs great take actions and seize opportunities 面对困难,人需用即刻行动,把握行动。


7. We have no choice but to brave all the challenges and learn how to deal with adversity. 我们应该面对困难,学习如何应对逆境。

点评:have no choice but to do sth = have to do sth 只能做 ……

8. For instance, I encountered great difficulties in competing with top students in an English oral competition,however,I spared no hesitation to make efforts everyday, with great confidence and full preparation, I successfully stood out from other contestants in English speech contest. 例如,我在参加英语演讲比赛的时候,遇到了很大困难,但是,我日日努力,毫不犹豫,拥有自信和充分准备后,我在英语比赛中脱颖而出。



9. Failure reveals the prelude of success. 失败是成功之母。

点评:reveal v揭示了,prelude n序幕

10. All the difficulties will be stamped under your feet.所有的困难被你踩到脚下。

点评:collect stamps 集邮;stamp v 跺脚

11. Action speaks louder than words 行动胜过言语

12. The debate reminds me of my Paul, who is a successful business leader ……叔叔是成功的企业家,创业时尚酒店,起初,创业前景不确定,但是,叔叔毅然创业,经营酒店,赚取人生财富。

13. Indeed, I have to concede that sometime being patient could help us avoid potential dangers and losses 耐心规避潜在的风险和损失。

点评:Indeed, I have to concede that 我承认的是 ……

14. however,I want to rebut that …… 但是,我想反驳的是 ……

15. Opportunity knocks but only once 机不可失失不再来。

16. …… steal us the splendid opportunity of embracing a bright future 使得我们错失了拥抱美好未来的宝贵机会。


17. The story of carving out one’s own career 自我创业的故事。

18. take a risk to give a try = pick up one’s courage to do sth 勇敢做第一个吃螃蟹的人


19. new industry is a unexploited area 新产业是一片蓝海的时候

点评:exploit v 开发,利用,剥削

20. In marked contrast, it is useless and meaningless to dive into a saturated market 行业是一片红海的时候, 再投入的没有意义。

点评:a saturated market 饱和的市场

21. So fierce is the competition that one might find it hard to fulfill one’s ambition 竞争激励,难以成功。

22. The primary difference between the minority of great-achievers and the majority of mediocre people is that …… 5%的成功者和95%的平凡者的最大的区别在于……

解析:mediocre people = common people = ordinary people 平凡者

点评:写作是创造,有时候不拘泥于细节,5% 可以写作少数的,95%可以写作多数的。

23. Convinced of the importance of a goal, a successful people will definitely take the utmost efforts to bridge the gap between dream and reality. Namely, action speaks louder than words and one can win via prompt implementation 成功者会在目标设定后,会在最短的时间里采取最大量的行动,就是所谓,行胜于言,赢在执行。

点评:implement = carry out = execute v 执行 ……

教学理念:Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.(教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火)




Do you agree or disagree: the government should not provide artists (musician,film-maker) with any financial support? 是否同意政府不应该为艺术家提供任何的经济支持?


1. Some people argue that arts (e.g. painting & music) do not directly improve people's quality of life, therefore, government should spend more money on other things,Do you agree or disagree?

2. The government should not spend money on national defense. It should put the money in arts instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?





1. 政府资助艺术家有助于各类艺术的健康发展和繁荣。

2. 艺术可以成为一个民族的信仰,增强民族凝集力和自豪感。

3. 资助艺术家会受到人们的欢迎,艺术家的成功带来大量的艺术馆以及美术馆的建设。这些使人们的休闲生活更加多元化, 给人们的生活增添更多的情趣。

4. 人文学科的繁荣可以归结给美术馆和艺术馆的繁荣,而艺术家的辛勤创造为美术馆和艺术馆做出了巨大的贡献。

5. 各类艺术形式点亮了世界的文化和文明,艺术家的努力成为繁荣旅游经济,丰富人们精神生活以及提升人们艺术品位的重要契机。


1. 政府的财政有限,但是,要解决的民生问题无穷,因此,政府完全资助艺术家会给国家增加经济负担。

2. 很有可能,一些伪艺术家骗取政府的财政支持,政府在艺术方面的财政支持会成为他们好吃懒做,挥霍人生的资本。


1. The prosperity of a nation’s traditional art will enhance its citizens’ national pride. 国家传统艺术的繁荣可以增强国民的民族自豪感。


词汇:calligraphy n书法; Beijing opera n京剧;marital art n武术

2. Various arts can be considered as nation’s belief, which could strengthen a country’s cohesion艺术可以成为一个民族的信仰,增强民族凝集力。


3. The investment in art could bring about immense commercial value, by that I mean, the efforts of different artists could be beneficial to the nation’s economy be means of creating music, making films and attracting tourists. 艺术投资可以带来巨大的经济价值,换言之,各类艺术家的努力有助于经济的发展,艺术家们可以创造音乐,拍摄电影,吸引游客。

4. An exhibition of works of art could not only provide visitors with visual enjoyment but also cultivate their artistic taste and enlighten their wisdom 艺术品展览不仅可以给参观者提供视觉享受,还可以培养他们的艺术美感,启迪他们的智慧。

点评:works of art = artwork n艺术品

点评:…… can provide sb with visual enjoyment v 可以给……提供视觉享受(推荐背诵)

5. …… could not only tap one’s unlimited creativity, but also stimulate one’s vivid imagination …… 不仅仅可以开发人的无限创造力,还可以激发人的丰富想象力


tap one’s unlimited creativity v 开发人的无限创造力 (推荐背诵)

stimulate one’s vivid imagination v激发人的丰富想象力 (推荐背诵)

6. build a city’s fame = promote a city’s reputation v提升一个城市的美誉度

7. The prosperity of the humanities could be largely owed to the prosperity of the art. 人文学科的繁荣,在很大程度,可以被归结为美术馆和艺术馆的繁荣。

8. Arts’ creation could illuminate culture and civilization of the world. 艺术家们的创作可以点亮世界的文化和文明。

9. It is a worthwhile investment to sponsor various artists, for their efforts could, to large extent, facilitate the healthy development of arts. 赞助各类艺术家是有意义的投资,因为各类艺术家的努力有助于艺术的健康发展。

点评:be beneficial to sth = greatly conduce to sth = facilitate sth v 有助于……(经典三剑客)

10. Under no circumstances can we ignore the immense value of art investment. 任何情况下不能忽视艺术投资的巨大价值(作家立场)

11. Arts can purify our soul. Without arts, we would be still leading a dull and barbaric life today. 艺术可以净化我们的灵魂,没有艺术,我们今天依然过着无趣的野蛮的生活。

12. Those museums, art galleries could be developed into hot tourist attractions, which could achieve huge profitability. 美术馆和艺术馆可以开发成为热门的旅游景区进而带来巨大的经济收益。

点评:achieve huge profitability v获得巨大的收益

13. Too much financial support in helping artists might impose much pressure upon a nation economically. After all, our infinite social needs are matched against the static financial resources. 过度支持艺术家会增加国家的经济负担,毕竟,无穷的社会需求和有限的财政资源是矛盾的。

14. My stand is that the government is supposed to partly subsidize those artists in terms of providing financial support and preferential policy. 我的立场是政府应该在经济和政策方面部分支持艺术。(作家立场)

点评:preferential policy n 优惠的政策

15. It is the unshakable obligation of the government to support art workers, such as musicians,writers or painters, financially. However, the proportion of financial assistance should be rational. 资助艺术工作者,例如,音乐家,作家,画家等是政府不可推卸的责任,但是,财政援助的比例应该是理性的。

点评:It is the unshakable obligation of the government to ……,v 做……是政府不可推卸的责任



