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真题范文:International travel sometimes lead people have some prejudices rather than broad minds,why? How to improve the understanding of countries they visit?——2015年8月13日旅游类雅思写作真题







Such is human nature to explore those exotic countries and feel the sense of refreshment. Many people desire to expand their minds and enrich their experience of the world during the process of visiting their dream tourism destination. However, some problems inevitably ensue. Instead of feeling the pleasure of travel, what some sightseers feel are only culture prejudice, conflicts and misunderstandings.


First, historical differences and diverse customs, to some extent, contribute to the bias, misunderstandings and even hostility. A case in point is that eating dog meat is permissible and understandable in some minority areas in China. More precisely, Taiwan people might be quite amazed when hearing or seeing dog meat is edible, for it is illicit and forbidden to persecute dogs in Taiwan. It is conceivable that Taiwan tourists might be quite shocked and disappointed when visiting some Korean minority areas in Mainland in China. People there always take dog meat as delicious foods.


Further, some sightseers’ deeply rooted concept, and diverse life experience account for the appearance of culture prejudice. To illustrate, a kind of benediction like may you children become a dragon might be acceptable in Chinese culture. However, westerns might consider this kind of malediction as a curse for their children, for dragon equals to monster in western culture.


Several methods should be adopted to help tourists minimize the potential culture bias or emotional misunderstanding. Primarily, before paying a visit to one tourism destination, it is feasible to specialize in the customs, histories and local people’s lifestyle. For example, if a western visitor aims to do some sightseeing in the Chinese minority areas like Tibet, it is wise to get to know some taboo, learn some simple minority language and the minority tradition. Also, efforts should be made by those tourists guides or local mass media to disseminate local cultures and popularize some relevant travel taboo. In this sense, people will acquire the first-hand knowledge and thus have a deeper insight into a new country.


Overall, it is no easy task to iron out possible bias and conflicts before visiting some hot scenic spots. However, memorable travel experience favors the ore pared minds.



题目有关:Many country invest money to prepare competitors to join top competitions like Olympic Game and the World Cup. It is necessary to offer money to encourage children to exercise.你怎么看这个观点,并给出evidence。



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An increasing number of nations have spent so generously on sports events like Olympic Game,with a view to growing their international stature,while some people argue that most of the adolescents are more in need of the money to promote all-around physical fitness.


Undeniably,achievements in international sports competitions can improve the prestige of a nation significantly.Therefore,it is widely accepted that some of the tax revenue should go on purchasing pricey but professional equipment to train gymnastics players. More importantly,not only do more triumphs of sporting events reflect the nation's comprehensive strength but also summon up the great patriotism among the public.If without the financial assurance from governments,hardly can those athletes achieve success against other competitive contestants in a range of stiff competition no matter how talented they are,let alone win the opportunity for the general public to be proud of being the citizens of the nation.Finally,investing in a country's sports undertakings undoubtedly contributes to a sports power image exerting unintended effects on teenagers,which is more likely to motivate the next generation to be more physically active in turn.


However,some insist that it is unnecessary to squander money in better preparing professional athletes for sports activities.As the mass media and commercial sponsorship can fully financially meet the demand for athletes' training,governments had better give priority to teenagers’ physical fitness.After all,children are the hope of every country,and the physical fitness is the premise of the future success of every hardworking student.Compared with children living in affluent regions,those especially in impoverished areas are more likely subject to sub-health problems and other health hazards simply for the lack of easy-to-reach sports centers.In addition,providing children with better fitness facilities like the football pitch is highly possible to arouse their interests for physical excise.Accordingly,to spend money in promoting children's health condition is much more reasonable and urgent than in other aspects.


In conclusion,although the expenditure in supporting sports players engaged in top competitions is justified,the national budget,from my perspective, should also take teenagers' physical fitness into account.


字数 330 words


1. with a view to doing 为了

2. international stature 国际声望

3. physical fitness身体健康

4. gymnastics players 运动员

5. nation's comprehensive strength国家的综合实力

6. summon up the great patriotism唤起伟大的爱国主义

7. stiff competition激烈的竞争

8. let alone 更不必说

9. sports undertakings体育事业

10. a sports power image 体育强国形象

11. squander money挥霍钱

12. had better give priority to 最好优先考虑

13. premise 前提

14. are more likely subject to 更可能遭受

15. football pitch足球场

16. health hazards健康危害

arouse interests 激发兴趣


with a view to improving their international images ,介词短语引导目的状语

it is widely-accepted that ,it 做形式主语

not only do more triumphs of sporting events reflect the nation's comprehensive strength but also summon up the great patriotism ,

not only 倒装结构

no matter how 让步状语

let alone ,let alone 做连词

hardly can,否定词位于句首,部分倒装结构

those especially in impoverished areas ,


had better give priority to ,

had better结构,翻译为最好....

some insist that it is unnecessary to,

宾语从句+it 做形式主语,不定式作真正主语

engaged in 过去分词作后置定语



