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今天小编带来了GRE写作--Issue OG学习心得,我们一起来看看吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

GRE写作--Issue OG学习心得

Analyze an Issue Task(下文简称Issue写作)永远都是大家考GRE时遇到的第一个任务。30分钟的时间,围绕给出的话题独立完成一篇文章 。OG上面给出的官方定义是这样的:

The Issue task presents an opinion on an issue of broad interest followed by specific instructions on how to respond to that issue. You are required to evaluate the issue, considering its complexities, and develop an argument with reasons and examples to support your views.

(Issue写作任务会给出一个对大众息息相关的话题的一个观点和具体的写作指导,来告诉大家应该怎样对这个话题进行回答。你们需要评价这个话题,考虑其复杂性,并且写出一段有理论、例子支撑你观点的论证)(OG P11)

用一个大家可能会熟悉的考试来进行比较的话,和Analyze an Issue Task最接近大概就是托福考试的最后一项--独立写作了。也是三十分钟的时间,也是与生活相关的话题、差不多的出题形式,但是两种考试考察目的却有本质的不同。如果说托福更注重的是语言的表达,那么GRE的Issue更注重的就是逻辑。毕竟,托福考试考察的是外国留学生在美国学习、生活的能力,而GRE考察的则是想要念美国研究生的本科生/本科毕业生是否具有符合研究生学术层次的分析性思考和写作能力,也正是GRE写作的官方定位--Analytical Writing (分析性写作)。这种分析性写作的根本则在于critical thinking,也就是我们所谓的“辩证思考”或者“批判性思考”,而它在题目中最明显的体现,就在于话题的“complexities”(复杂性)。话题的complexities在于它不只是回答绝对的“对”、“错”或者“同意”和“不同意”就可以的,而是无论自己的观点如何,都需要考虑正方和反方从多角度考量的利弊--这也就是我们称为“complexities ”的地方,这一点从题目本身就足以得到印证。我们会在下文举例讨论。

怎么想、怎么写,相辅相成。只有想法和内容足够清晰、有深度、广度,才能写出具有“clear and insightful”观点的文章(ETS官方对于满分6分作文的评分标准,OG P37);而只有结构清晰、表达形式丰富的语言,才能够把内容清晰、有深度、广度的想法化成一篇优秀的analytical writing。



在学会“怎么想”之前,我们首先得了解题目。题目一般是由两部分组成的:题干(issue)和写作指令(writing instruction)。题干是供讨论的话题本身,而写作指令则是告诉你怎样去写。根据官方网站给出的题库显示,话题一共有152道,范围涉及学习教育、政治社会、思想行为、科技生活、历史文化这五个类别。而写作指令一共有如下6种(OG P13):

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree

with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take.

In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which

the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations

shape your position.


Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree

with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position

you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances

in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be

advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.


Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree

with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to

address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to

challenge your position.


Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with

your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In

developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views



Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree

with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.


Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain

your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your

position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the

policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.


我们可以看到,无论怎么问,这6种写作指令都要求考生:1有自己的观点并解释论证 2从多种角度(甚至从与你观点相悖的角度)来论证。而这6种写作指令所要求的,实质上就是critical thinking--从多个角度、甚至是违背你观点的角度来论证。换句话来说,当你不仅仅从你的观点出发进行思考,还能考虑到相反观点各个角度的利弊,并且通过道理论证(或者举例论证)进行更深入的阐述,最终通过各方面的权衡才得到你的观点,那么这个观点一定是经过缜密思考、经得起推敲的。而GRE考察的就是这种多方位、多角度的分析能力。


Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no

speaker or reformer ever could.







从官方给出的评分标准(OG P37),我们可以明确地看到ETS对于一篇文章评价的角度有三:信息(内容),逻辑,语言。

对于信息(内容)的要求又包含position和reasons and/or examples这两个部分,也就是我们的观点和论证。有清晰的观点是形成一篇文章的前提,对于题干中的话题可持同意、反对、中立的态度。论证可以只有道理论证,也可以道理论证加上例证。考虑到GRE写作题库里有很多形而上、距离生活比较远的题目,考生不一定能够举出例子,因此只有道理论证在GRE考试中也是行得通的。

逻辑分为内容逻辑和形式逻辑。内容逻辑即我们的行文结构,而形式结构则是体现出我们行文结构的承上启下的语句。行文结构来讲,我们用五段论来举例:开头段阐述题目、明确观点,三个主体段落,结尾段总结、重申观点。三个主体段落,按照我们刚才在“怎么想”中已经提到的,要从我方和反方观点分别考量,最终得到我们的观点。那么我们建议这三个主体段落可以依次是:1我方观点的分论点及其论证2反方观点及其论证3综合考量后还是得出支持我方观点的分论点及其论证,在观点的分析角度和深度上这一段需要有一个区别于第一段的升华。这样写出的就是一篇思维缜密、经多方考量的议论文了。有了内容逻辑,形式逻辑也就应运而生了,毕竟这些包含不同观点、角度和深度的段落,是需要恰当的词汇连接在一起的。比如该转折时用however,while,unlike,in contrast等等,该总结时用in short, to put it in a nutshell, all in all等等,该体现段落层次时用furthermore,additionally,building upon the above argument等等的词汇短语,就能够让我们的文章的逻辑看上去清晰明了,同时对我们行文时的内容逻辑也是一个很好的督促和梳理。






GRE Issue写作思路讲解之大城市


To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.为了了解一个社会/一个群体的重要特点,我们要去研究这个社会的大城市。


例子: 什么social groups?哪个大城市? Chinese social groups = Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong(Canton groups) = Beijing as an example = political center, powerful city = city layout = Chinese respect authority and hierarchy; Hong Kong = communicative: information hub: transportation, human labor force = mobility


道理论证:大城市的研究可以帮助我们更好地了解这个社会人的一些重要特点。WHY?因为人都会从各个地方去到大城市? WHY?因为大城市发展比较好,各项生活services以及机会都比较多。 WHY?因为地理位置比较好或者国家的政策扶植。原因说清楚了,那 结果呢? 所以我们研究大城市,可以更好的了解每个地区的人又特点 .为人都是从不同的地方聚集到大城市的,所以他们会不可避免的带 有属于自己local的特点。所以我们可以很轻易地在大城市实现一个 cross regional / national的研究,而不用travel many miles。.态特点 + 动态融合 . original + dynamic

GRE issue写作优秀实例:政府资助艺术问题


Government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts.


When it comes to government subsides, such questions arise: Do the Arts actually need government funding? Does the national endowment for the arts really threaten the integrity of the arts? The debate on the merits of government funding of the arts is a hot issue. As far as I concerned, Government funding is hazardous to artistic health and integrity.

Before discussion, we must define the integrity of the arts. I think it has two-fold meanings: First, it refers to the diversity of the arts. Second, it means that artists should have the independence and free creativity.

Government support for the arts is inherently problematic. It breeds passivity,undermines the independent creative spirit. It makes artists shift the focus from creativity towards pleasing funding bodies. The importance of individual passion and creativity are undercut by the funding regime. And much more! It raises the question of official art, whether that art be the standard of the public, government officials, or a largely self-chosen art establishment. In the Netherlands, for example, the government guaranteed a market for the works of professional artists. If no one else would buy their work, the government paid them for it. This was commonly referred to as the "Dutch treat". They had a huge warehouse full of art that wouldn't sell. This assured the survival of artists, but it also assured the creation of a lot of bad art.

Also, The process of official encouragement of some kinds of art and official discouragement of others will have begun to influence artistic directions. It must cause the imbalance of the development of the arts. For example, vast investment in the Beijing opera would hurt other local operas. As a result, some kinds of small operas might become extinct.

Furthermore, limited resources mean decisions have to be made to fund or not to fund.The criteria ultimately include an aesthetic judgment that necessarily select the relative worth of one artistic entity (be it an organization, project or individual) among all participating in competition for the same dollars. Questions arise: What resources should be committed to supporting art that is not popular? Does art deserve to be supported if there are not sufficient patronage for it to survive on its own merits?

What's more, funding agencies take efforts to assure a diverse and objective mix of panelists. But no panel is qualified to evaluate every application. If a representative of some art form have no strong support, there must be an imbalance in arts diversity.What shall we do to ensure the diversity of the arts? There is no easy answer to this.The only obvious solution is to have sufficient public funding available to ensure the survival of all the arts in a community so that the hard decisions don't have to be made.Private patronage on the whole is a far better protection for diversity and independence than any governmental program can be. Without government direction and intervention, the arts can avoid being byproducts of government and freely create what artists want to express.Private patronage has its randomicity; therefore any art form has equal chance to be funded. Meanwhile, through free competition excellent artists have the freest space to display their creativity.

In sum, despite opposing views, I believe that the arts are an important area in our society, which should be given freedom. Without the help of the government, we could be doing some useful things to our nation's creative future.

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