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29"Public figures such as actors, politicians, and athletes should expect people to be interested in their private lives. When they seek a public role, they should expect that they will lose at least some of their privacy."


1、承认人们通常对 public figure的private lives很感兴趣


peering into the private lives of those who have achieved our dreams allo w us to live vicariously through those lives

love to know their scandals, watch them fall off; jealousness

2、public figure需要媒体为他们宣传,媒体的目的是 maximize profits,提供观众需要的东西,public figure在获得popularity的同时,不可避免导致 exposure of private lives

chief objective is maximize shareholder's profits; ample evidence


他们的家人也会引来 fans的关注,影响他们的生活

kidnapping of the public figure's children;


一、同意。出于大众兴趣,媒体 focus ,公众人物自己的目的。但过度不好

二、大众有 peeping at others 的习惯To begin with, people have an interest in peeping at other's privacy, let alone that of public figures.

1.人的本性想要知道他人在 personal time 干什么并进行比较

2.对公众人物更感兴趣,他们的生活不同于常人,比其他人能成为 gossip

3.另一方面,是来自 fans的关注,尤其是娱乐和体育

三、所以,媒体迎合需求 to meet the demand that people want to know more about public figures, mass media are happy to play the role of information collectors


2.狗仔队 following ,waiting, 甚至追踪其家人新闻

3.By catalyst, 媒体夸大事实、扭曲真相,不但 undermine reputation,还误导公众

四、公众人物 keep or improve fame 。 public figures themselves also take advantage of exposing their own privacy, trying to capture eyes from the public.

1.政治家显示 harmonious family life,赢得支持

2.歌星,不惜丑闻,promoting the sales of albums


1.确实the task

2.公众被赋予审查领导人隐私的权利,实际隐私生活跟好领导没太大关系,little bearing


29T"Public figures such as actors, politicians, and athletes should expect people to be interested in their private lives. When they seek a public role, they should expect that they will lose at least some of their privacy."


①人们在这方面有兴趣。 A天生的好奇心 B 公众人物一般都是成功人士 C 对演员等来说,难以把他们在戏中的角色和真实生活分开。

②媒体为了获取利润,通常会努力挖掘名人的隐私。如:Clinton, 演员之间的分分合合;甚至连他们的家人也不放过。

③对名人本身来说,他们 A 有时希望利用这种追捧。Ironically, though some public figures do feel uneasy with the buzzing paparazzi, or loathe the unsatisfiable interest into their personal lives, most of them have to concede that they ca nnot live without these troubles 如:发唱片时提高人气 B也不希望太多的被干扰。Anyway, a public figure is all the same to everyo ne of us physically and mentally, no matter how significant a role he/she plays in public life.

④对于社会来说,A 激发人们工作和学习的积极性和让人们关注一些社会问题;B 文明的社会应该保护每一个人的隐私权。


30"The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time."

30 尽管科技为生活带来很多便利,但目的不仅仅是提高效率和有更多娱乐时间


telephone, Internet, improve th e efficiency in communication

automobile, train, plane fast transportation

household electronics microwave oven; electronic cooker; washing machine


be expected to have high er production; increased workload; employee complain


medical technology earlier detect of disease; the once fatal diseas e curable; reduce suffering for patiens; information technology facilitate global communication, info rmation sharing; civil engineering construction of building, bridge, road higher quality


一、技术应该带来效率,但确实越来越忙,不过技术进步的 purpose is far more than leisure

二、技术应该带来效率 It is true that technological advancement have made life faster and easier--that is, more efficient.


2. ENIAC 使life style 改变,document 和calculate 更效率,Internet 通讯快捷MSN,使搜索信息效率google,yahoo—more informed society can make quicker responses to ...


1.Empirical evidence, Busy 这个词很 popular

2.像instant foods, communication tool, faster transportation 都使生活更加繁忙

3.技术进步的 addition time 不是为了闲暇,而是为工作。



1.医学进步,计量经济学,engineering 进步structural integrity



30T"The primary goal of technologica l advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time."


① First of all, as we have witnessed, achievement in technology has immensely improved people’s efficiency, such as plane, assembly-line& mass prod uction, robots. Computer, etc.

② The suggestion that technology’s chief goal should be to facilitate leisure is simply wrongheaded. There are far more vital concerns that technology can and should address. 如:overcome treats, health, emotion

③ 最主要目标绝不是增加空闲时间。As a matter of fact, increasing efficiency is merely a byproduct of the advance of technology. Convenience long life/longevity


31"Money spent on research is almost always a good investment, even when the results of that research are controversial."



exploration of the unknown for true answers to our questions

explor solutions to enduring social problems

satisfy our appetite for knowledge; help understand ourselves and the world

astronomy; technology; biology; medicine ;money spent one these research projects bring even more benefits for human beings


到底是否有争议在研究开始前不确定;有些研究的成果尽管可能有危害,但正确使用也可以发挥很好作用nuclear power; cloning

3、当研究目标 vague,potential benefits are speculative ,甚至对人类有危害时,投资要十分警惕

Star War; championed by Reagon admi nistration; largely a waste of moeny

human cloning; give rise a number of ethnic issues

chemical/nuclear weapons; demolish peaceful life and hurt thoes innocent people



1 研究对我们意义重大。对社会而言,人类社会的进步都是建立在研究的基础上的。研究创造出新的知识,新的发明,新的理论,从而使社会不断进步。因此我们必须对研究给予足够的投资,使研究发展。对公司而言,研究—专利才能使一个公司立于不败之地。因此对于国家和公司,对研究投资都是很重要的,很值得。

2 研究经常出现争议的结果,但是这并不能磨灭某个研究的意义。一方面,研究的结果在当时不被重视或被认为是错误的,比如法拉第的电动机和贝尔的电话;另一方面,一些研究在应用方面很有争议,比如核能。这种情况对他们的投资仍然是值得的。

3 然而一项研究如果违背了或者挑战人类的基本 virtue ,那么这个研究一定要谨慎投资的。比如,药物人体实验,比如克隆人。另外,投资时必须考虑到某项争议的研究是否能够实现,如果根本无法实现,那么投资必然是失败的。比如永动机

4 我们不应该仅仅关注投资,我们必须对研究所带来的问题给予关注,比如环境问题。否则,投资是不负责任的。




1 )通常发现是偶然的:比如 伏兰明,科学家不一定知道能做出什么,但尝试中会带来大意外

2 )争议可能来自各自的利益,和短见:

比如解决当前社会问题 pressing social problem 和探索外太空explore the outer space 是同等重要




比如 核武器,日本广岛 目的就是增强军事,国家战争,当然保证自己国家稳定,但潜在对他国和地球的危害

比如 生化武器,拿生物和人类做实验,是否 good investment 了

2)当资源有限时,要决定先后 priority:

比如社会问题非常严重,那么对外太空需要放一放;先解决 immediate problem 至顶


Money spent on research is almost always a good investment, even when the results of that rese arch are controversial.








3.然而值得注意的是我们还是应该注意研究的结果的。因为我们知道从经济学的角度讲,凡事都是有机会成本的,与其去做那些有争议的研究,不如把这些钱投入其他更有前途收效更大的研究中,或拿去解决社会当前所面临的社会问题。比如 Star Wars 。(老外 280 中的例子,没想出来其他例子,大家帮忙想想吧^-^)


一、确实应该投资,因为不确定性,限于当代人的知识不被理解,对伦理方面的争议也应该谨慎。但对于政府的强制的投资要 reconsider。 any democracy should reconsider th e choice that may be precarious.

二、研究在社会进步中有重要作用 Research manifests its importance in the process of the evolution of human society, which has kept developing relying on accumulation of discovery and invention since ancient time.

1.Cai lun ad105, disseminate knowledge, Watt, computer

三、结果是不确定的,所以要投资 The proposition that we should not interference with research lies on one of the traits of research---uncertainty-- -though the objective is ascertainable

1.我们expect to be contributable 的可能harmful ,而科学家 unusual 兴趣的却可能很伟大

2. 只有投资不能确定结果的研究才有意义

3.Adam Smith, Keynes, Friedman, ascertain objective ,不能知道结果 beforehand, 但最终成功

4.在basic research truer

四、对于引发的伦理上的争议,我们要谨慎对待 As regards to the results may lead to controversy over religion or ethics, we should be circumspect to criticize those fruits of research.

1.Limited to academic level and ken

2.Copernicus, Darwin, Mendel

3.Recently,对于 clone的争议,要谨慎 had Wilmut who cloned Dolly,


五、但如果给政府,则要谨慎 people should pay attention to th e research forced by government.

1.that any goal...

2. 但政府眼光浅显 finite tenure

3. vested interest, Aral Sea

31T "Money spent on research is almost always a good investment, even when the results of that research are controversial."


A. Research is the exploration of the unknown for true answers to our questions, and for lasting solutions to our enduring problems.

B. Research is also the chief mean s by which we humans attempt to satisfy our insatiable appetite for knowledge, and our craving to understand ourselves and the world around us.

C. Many researches may be controversial and the results of them may bring to people some harm, after all they are of greater benefit in the short or long term.

Related Examples:

1) Research of atomic energy,

2) Research of radioactivity: the starting point for cancer treatment, for the dating techniques used on ancient objects, rocks and the universe, and for molecular biology and modern genetics.

3) Copernicus's heliocentric theory; Galileo's research in astronomy.

4) Technique of cloning No amount of research can completely solve the enduring problems of war, poverty and violence, for the reason that they stem from the certain aspects of human nature—such as aggression and greed.





