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GRE写作备考请勿依赖高频题 ,学习这3个技能才能实现提分,快来看看吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

GRE写作备考请勿依赖高频题 学习这3个技能才能实现提分







平时备考中,注重练习英文打字。这里所说的 GRE 写作备考练习并不是漫无目的随便打字,而是着重训练使用自己的模板,固定的段落和版式以及常用事例的描写。通过一段时间的训练,基本上形成良好的行文思路和作文结构后,500余字的文章仅需几分钟就可以在计算机上写好了。

小编对于所谓 GRE“高频”作文题目并不特别推荐,因为这些人云亦云的题目其实也并没有确切的“高频”依据。作为备考GRE的考生来讲,准备契合GRE作文的题目固然重要,但是更为重要的是拥有快速思考和分析问题的能力,掌握精准描述和表达自己思想的语言。因此,备考时除了要大量阅读题目之外,也要在读题后认真思考,训练自己逻辑思维和结构梳理的能力。

GRE Issue写作17大经典句型



International arena is a jungle, in which just a few countries use their fists with rationality and maneuvers。



Awareness originates from emotionality and finally transcends to rationality. So transient is emotionality that it bears the resemblance of a fast white horse fleeting over a gap, and so eternal is rationality, of a bright star hanging over the dark night。


人性,只能通过教育去激发。 天使要读圣经,魔鬼则是没有读过圣经的天使。

To educate is to be humane. Angels are angels, for they read the bible; demons are those angels who do not read bibles。



Coincidence comes from ignorance. Destiny, from universe. The beginning of science is human’s attempt to see the destiny。



Understanding is based on identity recognition, which, however, is not always a must。



Media and history, appeared to be discontented, are the chambermaid of politics。



Choice is puzzlement; without choice, freedom is lost. Thus, a rational mind and a circumstance allowing rationality be exercised publicly, are the prerequisite of freedom。



Idealism without starvation are realists; lacking idealism without starvation, the barbarians; starvation with idealism, idealists; starvation without idealism, those always in hunger。



Rationality is the prerequisite of faith。



Human-centralism narrowly separates humans from nature. Nature can be a friend, and a teacher。



People is the plural form of an asshole。



The mind of a man is so complex that it can never be judged by its out appearance. However, the mind never satisfies with solitude and always leaks some clues for others to explore。

13、艺术与大众、 审美


Beauty comes from unfamiliarity and incomprehension。

14、重点与普遍、 政府的施政纲领


Emphasis on something implies the scarcity of resource. The scarcity is the result of human’s unchained lust。



No law is just, but the maneuvers of politics to satisfy the great majority。

16、批评与赞扬、 不同声音的意义、批判思考


Progress is prompted by self-negation。



Internal conflicts can only be solved by external forces, because internality requires conventions and inward-looking。


1. That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted.

2. Hardy’s weakness derived from his apparent inability to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones.

3. Virginia Woolf’s provocative statement about her intentions in writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly been ignored by the critics, since it highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the “poetic” novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathways of individual consciousness.

4. As she put in The Common Readers, “It is safe to say that not a single law has been framed or one stone set upon another because of anything Chaucer said or wrote; and yet, as we read him, we are absorbing morality at every pore.

5. With the conclusion of a burst of activity, the lactic acid level is high in the body fluids, leaving the large animal vulnerable to attack until the acid is recovered, via oxidative metabolism, by the liver into glucose, which is then sent (in part) back into the muscles for glycogen resynthesis.

6. Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent, he shows that the slaves’ preference, revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent, was very much for stable monogamy.

7. Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the black family encouraged the transmission of–and so was crucial in sustaining–the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another, a heritage that slaves were continuingly fashioning out of their African and American experience.

8. This preference for exogamy, Gutman suggests, may have derived from West African rules governing marriage, which, though they differed from one tribal group to another, all involved some kind of prohibition against unions with close kin.

9. His thesis works relatively well when applied to discrimination against Blacks in the United States, but his definition of racial prejudice as “racial—based negative prejudgments against a group general accepted as a race in any given region of ethnic competition,” can be also including hostility toward such ethnic groups as the Chinese in California and the Jews in medieval Europe.

10. Such variations in shape, chemistry, conduction speed, excitation threshold, and the like as had been demonstrated in nerve cells remained negligible in significance for any possible correlation with the manifold dimensions of mental experience.

11. It was possible to demonstrate by other methods refined structural difference among neuron types; however, proof was lacking that the quality of the impulse or its condition was influenced by these differences, which seemed instead to influence the developmental patterning of the neural circuits.

12. Although qualitative variance among nerve energies was never rigidly disproved, the doctrine was generally abandoned in favor of the opposing view, namely, that nerve impulses are essentially homogeneous in quality and are transmitted as “common currency” throughout the nervous system.

13. Other experiment revealed slight variations in the size, number, arrangement, and interconnection of the nerve cells, but as far as psycho-neural correlations was concerned, the obvious similarities of these sensory fields to each other seemed much more remarkable than any of the minute differences.

14. Although some experiments show that, as an object becomes more familiar, its internal representation becomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel, the weight of the evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis, at least for objects that are not notably simple and familiar.

15. In large part as a consequence of the feminist movement, historians have focused a great deal of attention in recent years on determining more accurately the status of women in various periods.




