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  我们知道文章是思想的载体,而词是这个载体的基本组成要素。没有单词,就无法准确地表达思想。由于所掌握的单词有限,往往使学生感到自己“满腹的心里话不知怎么说”,为了写完一篇250多字的作文,只能搜肠刮肚,勉强拼凑,结果使思路受到限制,写出来的句子总是不能表达出自己的本来意图,文章主题反倒成了载体的奴隶。为了弥补词汇量的不足,一些学生就把一些熟悉的单词、简单的句子结构重复使用来避免犯错而使文章显得单调、呆板,甚至观点和见解也因此大打折扣。对单词含义的一知半解,使得学生在写作时生搬硬套。把汉语成语硬生生地逐字对译,如:把“成竹在胸”译成“have a bamboo tree in my heart”;或者一些短语直译,如:把“不少青年妇女没文化”译成“Many young women have no culture.”,令人啼笑皆非。



  由于学员掌握的词汇不足,所以在写作文时,往往是一个词在文中不断的重复出现,结果使得自己的作文读起来很索然无味。如有的学生只知道“促进”一词是improve,于是在写作时,只要是“促进”,他就把improve一词搬上去,殊不知,“促进”一词还可以用promote, enhance, advance, facilitate, strengthen 等词表达。但这并不意味着这几个词可以随时互换,学生在用的时候也要根据具体的情景而选择具体的词。


  I do not agree with the above statement, in my opinion, both of the earlier times technological inventions and recent times technological inventions make human lives changed a lot, we are not supposed to say ether earlier ones or the later ones of technology is more important.

  这是作文的第一段,而第一句的agree with the above statement 就是一个明显的错误,agree with 是同意某人的意思,后接sb.,而 agree about后接 sth.是同意某种观点的意思。仅仅是一个介词的错误运用,也许就会影响你的作文分数。所以,这一问题应值得学员注意。

  G类雅思写作Task 1备考攻略之咨询求助信


  从官方介绍不难看出,G类写作任务一(以下简称T1)要求考生在20分钟左右完成一篇书信的写作,考生也许会被要求去询问信息或解释某些状况。但是,具 体而言,考生可能会碰到哪些形式的书信写作呢?根据剑桥2-9八本真题以及近三年考试回顾,雅思G类T1书信类型主要包括感谢信、道歉信、投诉信、求职求 学信、邀请信、建议信和咨询求助信等七种。新东方小编为大家收集了G类雅思写作Task 1备考攻略:咨询求助信,给出相应的解题思路(即书信写作文章结构)与写作句型。


  2. 常用句型

  1) I would be much obliged to you if you could let me know the procedures I have to go through.

  2) Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.

  3) I am looking forward to a favorable reply/response at your earliest convenience.

  4) Would you provide me with some valuable advice?

  5) Your kind reply will be highly appreciated.

  6) It would be greatly appreciated if you could furnish me with relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects.

  7) I am writing to enquire whether I may become a member of your club.

  8) I would be grateful if you could let me know your annual fee charges and any other information which would be useful.

  9) Please let me know as soon as possible how you propose to settle this matter.

  10) Although at this time of year you will have more work to deal with than usual, I would appreciate a reply in a not too distant future.



  014年8月雅思写作预测题目:是否需要学外语。Some people think all students should learn a foreign language. Others believe students without the talent should not learn. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

  支持前者 所有人都应该读满18 年的书

  under the circumstance of globalisation, competition is becoming increasingly intense, and acquiring a foreign language skill help people to edge out, e.g. a Chinese who can speak fluent English is more hopefully to stand out during the recruitment of multinationals & many European people start learning Chinese because of the booming economy in China.

  大学教育是为了就业还是其它(大学教育四大功能 :知识 ,实践 ,素质 ,人际 );


  a good many societies have become diverse in culture, e.g. cosmopolitan cities, and learning other people’s language is beneficial to communication and achieving social harmony, e.g. a big proportion of American people choose to learn Spanish, especially in southwestern states. 大学教育是为了就业还是其它(大学教育四大功能:知识,实践,素质, 人际); 教育应该泛还是专

  mastering foreign languages enables people to deeply understand and truly appreciate different cultures, e.g. read Dream of the Red Mansion in Chinese and watching Shakespeare dramas. 大学教育是为了就业还是其它(大学教育四大功能:知识,实践,素质,人际); 教育应该泛还是专


  to those who think people without such talent should not learn foreign languages, learning does not mean getting sophisticated in linguistics, obtaining the basic communication skills is widely adequate for most students. 教育应该泛还是专(其他基础学科也一样,只是要求具备基本知识,没说要很精通)

  On the other hand, being capable of speaking and writing in other languages makes people more eloquent, and they will find making friends a lot easier, e.g. facebook. 大学教育是 为了就业还是其它(大学教育四大功能:知识,实践,素质,人际 ); 教育应该 泛还是专



  University should prepare students for employ or have other functions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


  Everybody should stay in school until 18. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


  Some people believe teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects. But, others believe they should focus on the subject that they are best at or that they find the most interesting. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion


  2014年8月雅思写作预测题目:医生护士教师与明星的收入。Sports and entertainment personalities have higher value than professional workers like doctors, nurses and teachers in some societies, why this happened in some society and do you think it is a good or bad development.


  Psychologically, people, especially youngsters, need role models (榜样) and sports and entertainment personalities can easily become those that are encouraging to ordinary people, e.g. the Chinese swimmer Sun Yang and famous band, e.g. the Tang Dynasty. 年轻 人崇拜娱乐和体育明星的利弊;体育的作用(体育激励人心,提高全民素质 ); 举办奥运会的利弊。

  Some societies are highly commercialised and the intrinsic rule (内在规则) of which is that the more distinctive an image becomes, the more irreplaceable value it gains (一个形象越 独特,其不可替代的价值就越高), hence the high income, e.g. David Beckham, regardless of their actual contribution to the society.


  Entertainment stars can benefit the society through productions (作品) which deliver upbeat life attitude. And famous sports players can drive people’s zest for sport games, improving citizens’ overall fitness level. 年轻人崇拜娱乐和体育明星的利弊。

  Many of them participate actively in charity works, which raises a positive profile for citizens.



  Professional workers such as doctors, nurses and teachers have to go through endless tests and exammes to get qualifications, and their works largely benefit the society on people’s education and health. It appears to be unfair when comparing their salaries to the astronomical incomes of sports and entertainment celebrities.

  Quite a few sports and entertainment personalities do not have sufficient education, and many of them misbehave, e.g. fight and swear, divorce and luxuriant lifestyle, etc. All of these are magnified (被放大) by the mass media which produces damaging effect to young

  people who are vulnerable and imitate blindly. 年轻人崇拜娱乐和体育明星的利弊



  Nowadays, young people are admiring media and sport stars even though they don’t set a good example. This brings negative effect to the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


  Some people think sports games are important for society, but others believe they should be taken as leisure activities. Discuss both these views and giver your own opinion.


  Holding Olympic Games is an exciting event. Some people think it has positive effects while others argue it is a waste of money. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



