例如,在2017年9月16日的雅思考试中,大作文的题目是:An increasing number of people today change their career and place of residence several times during their lives.Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
参考译文: 今天越来越多的人在一生中几次改变自己的行业或居住地。你认为这是积极还是消极的发展?此题已经不是第一次在大陆地区出现,在2014年4月5日和2010年6月19日原题已经出现过两次,这已经是第三次在大陆地区出现。很明显我们可以看出题干中有两个关键部分一个是“career change”,另一个是“residence change”。如果考生能够在考场上首先用铅笔画出关键词,并稍加思索就能知道career change指的是改行,并非跳槽(job-hopping)。随着社会的发展,改行已不罕见。但改行指的是行业改变,而跳槽一般是指同行业内工作单位的改变。
但是,很奇怪,大陆地区许多“范文”都在首段就将“career change”改写成了“job-hopping”,这样的文章很难说是切题,也很难称得上是范文。于是我们就不得不重视起来,需要将这个现象加以研究。
我的原创开头段如下:I believe that making a career shift is a risk that is worth taking because career transition and relocation not only help you discover what you’re meant to do, but help you become stronger.参考译文:我认为改行有风险,但值得冒这个险。因为改变职业和居住地不但可以让你发现本就适合干什么,而且可以让自己变得更坚强。
虽然只有一句话,但大家可以看出我们使用了“career shift”和“career transition”来替换题干中的“career change”,并且使用“relocation”来替换题干中的“residence change”。
另外,我在首段的后半句使用“help you discover what you’re meant to do”和“help you become stronger”来回答“positive or negative development?”。这就是剑桥雅思考官范文中常常使用的开门见山的写法。
再举一例,2017年12月9日大陆地区的雅思大作文题目是:A rise in the standard of living in a country only seems to benefit cities more than rural areas.
What problems may those differences cause?
How can these problems be reduced?
参考译文: 国家生活水平的提高似乎只是让城市比乡村受益更多。这种城乡差别会带来什么问题?怎样才能减少这些问题?该题也不是第一次出现,是大陆2013年10月26日的旧题重考。该题中,第一句的关键词是“benefit cities more than rural areas”,第二句的关键词是“problems caused”,第三句的关键词是“How to reduce”。因此,如果大家将关键词划出后,就会知道本题考的是城乡发展不均衡带来的问题及对策,而非原因及对策。
但是,许多同学刚出考场就发信息给我,说自己把“problems”写成了“reasons”。其原因就是在考场上草草看过题目,就开始动笔,生怕自己写不完。虽然字数写够了,但成绩仍然不理想。这样的问题屡见不鲜,甚至可以说是大量出现,所以,这里又再次思考起来,花这十分钟做这件事真的有用。经过审题,我的开头段如下:Despite the overall improvement in quality of life, there has seen a widening rural-urban gap with respect to education and healthcare, which might be narrowed by modern technology aided by government assistance.
尽管开头段只有一句,但是我通过“a widening rural-urban gap with respect to education and healthcare”表明城乡差距的具体问题。并且通过“might be narrowed by modern technology aided by government assistance”来表明解决问题需要通过现代科技和政府扶持。
各位同学可以看出我的开头段仍旧是剑桥雅思考官范文中常常使用的开门见山的写法。如果大家有兴趣,可以参见剑桥雅思4第98页的例题及考官范文:题目如下:In many countries schools have severe problems with studentbehaviour.What do you think are the causes of this?
What solutions can you suggest?
范文开头段如下:Poor student behaviour seems to be an increasingly widespread problem and I think that modern lifestyles are probably responsible for this.
该开头段将题干中的“severe problems”改写为“increasingly widespread problem”,并且回答原因为“modern lifestyles are probably responsible for this”,也是开门见山的典型范例。
该地图属于改造和变迁类。地点常发生在museum,gallery, school 或者 town。描述的通常是过去时,现在时或者对将来的预测。应对此类题目,先找出前后哪些地方发生了变化,再依次描述。范文全篇8句话。
The two maps compare what the layout of the South Wing of Whelton Museum looked like in two separate years 2008 and 2012.
In 2008, It is clear that the museum stretched from the west to the east with six rooms and two stairs. In the western part, a path led to a special collective gallery bordered by the entrance and stairs with a shop located to the opposite side. In addition, a gallery and an interactive gallery were constructed in the north part and a reading room and a cloakroom stood by their eastern side, with stairs between them.
Four years later, great changes had occurred with the number of rooms almost doubling. It is striking to note that the entrance had transformed into an entrance hall where tourists can take a rest under the sunshade while the previous gallery was equipped with a cloak room and also on its north a restaurant was erected. The stairs on the eastern side was upgraded into a lift shared by more enlarged public zones like an exhibition room, a self-service cafe, and children area.
During the period, this museum had developed in terms of facilities and services supplied for the public.(200 words)
Some people think the most important thing about being rich is that give person an opportunity to help other people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
本题为社会生活类话题。题目问题是同意还是不同意变得富有最重要的事是帮助他人。考生在审题时,要注意“the most important”这个形容词最高级的限定作用。思考论点时建议多往disagree的方面展开。
paragraph 1 :结合时代背景引入话题且表明自己的观点。
paragraph 2: 论述富人帮助他人的必要性。(通过对比富人的富有和穷人的困境展开)
paragraph 3: 论述富人帮助他人非最重要的。(从自由支配财产和政府两个层面展开)
paragraph 4: 总结上文论点,强调自己的观点。
In an age when economic success is easily achievable, a number of businessmen and elites have accumulated their property to a larger sum. Some people claim that the most significant thing for the wealthy is to offer assistance to those in need. Personally speaking, I disagree with this assertion.
Admittedly, it is the moral obligation for the rich groups to provide financial support to people who live in poor and disadvantageous situations. As is reported, over a billion people are still living in object poverty and each year over six million children die as a result of malnutrition. However, the cost of a dinner in a luxury restaurant for the millionaires may be equal to several years’ living expense for the poor. Therefore, it seems reasonable and sensible for them to donate money and goods to charity.
Nevertheless, I do not contend such practice is the vital thing for being rich. The most rooted reason is that, they are entitled to allocate their wealth. A case in the point is that large amount of disposal income can be invested in the acquisition of some promising venture companies, in which case, they are likely to earn a fortune in the near future. In addition, it is government that should place a high priority on fighting hunger and poverty. Financial aid, sound welfare system and sufficient employment opportunities are all supposed to be provided to counteract with this recurring problem. If the authority only relies on the efforts of the rich, this potential threat to social stability will not be fundamentally removed.
In conclusion, although helping people is an indispensable duty for the wealthy, it is not the most important. Instead, the state should formulate policies and feasible strategies to build up a wealth and prosperous society.(295 words)
★ 雅思口语写作中话题词汇的重要性