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1、the number of

. 的数量 / 数据 / 百分比。上面的 number(+可数词)根据不同情况,可能会替换为:


2)quantity / data / statistics(可数不可数都行)

3)percentage / proportion / rate / ratio(百分比时)

4)以及具体的 consumption / production 等..……

注意:figure(数据),一般单独使用,如果表达 . 的数据,加介词 for。

2、a sharp increase of + data

1)一个 .(具体是多少)的变化(数据等)。当想说有一段变化,且只说其变化的值(差值)时,用 of。比如:There was a sharp increase of 50 grams in the consumption of fish in 2000. 鱼肉的销量在 2000 年上升了 50g(可能是从 30g 到 80g)。

2)或者是某一个具体的数值,想稍微啰嗦一点呈现它,可以用 of。比如:In 2050, a figure of 27 grams is expected in the consumption of fish. 2050 年的时候,鱼肉的销量会达到 27g。

3、a period of . years

想说时间段的长度时,可以用 of。比如:The consumption of fish increased sharp for the period of 15 years. 鱼肉的销量在 15 年里面快速增加。


1、in + time

具体的某个时间点,一般都用 in。动态图里,如果非要区分是起点还是终点,可以相应替换为:since 或 by / until(前面动词要变为完成时)。

2、in + location

具体某个地点(一般是城市、国家等较大地方)。地图题,表示两个东西一个在另一个里面的时候,也可以用 in(不是紧挨着或者在外面)。

3、in + object

在一些没有直接给出描述对象的句子中,需要告诉考官描述对象是谁,则在句子后面加上 in(一般在具体时间之前)。比如:There was a sharp increase of 50 grams in the consumption of fish in 2000. 鱼肉的销量在 2000 年上升了 50g。


1、at + data

at 一般后面加静止数据,所以静态图使用 at 添加数据非常常见。比如:The consumption of fish was the least in 2000, at only 30 grams per person per week. 鱼肉的销量在 2000 年最少,只有 30g。

动态图中,at 使用频率较低,一般是:

1)保持不变的时候:The consumption of fish remained stable at 30 grams between 1990 and 2000.

2)瞬间数据时(此刻数据是静止的):The consumption of fish peaked at 50 grams in 2000. 鱼肉的销量在 2000 年达到顶峰(peak作动词)。

2、at + location

当指代非常具体详细的地点时,可以用 at(on 一般用在街道名,in 用于更大一些的范围,比如城市、国家等)。比如:At the top left corner of the park is a small shop. 公园的左上角是一个小商店。

3、at + 5 o'clock

具体的时刻用 at。

4、at + temperature

具体的温度用 at。这个在流程图里、“加热”的步骤中可能会用到。比如:The bricks are heated at a moderate temperature of 200 °C. 砖块以一个 200 度的适中温度在加热。


1、with + data

1)一种情况,可以直接 with 添加数据(一般是静态的时候),此时用法和 at 相同。比如:The consumption of fish was the least in 2000, with only 30 grams per person per week. 鱼肉的销量在 2000 最少,只有 30g。

另外,也可以把 with 结构(with + 主语 + 分词)完整写出来(也许会有点啰嗦)。比如:Fish was the least popular food, with only 30 grams consumed in 2000. 鱼肉在 2000 最不受欢迎,只有 30g 被吃了。

2、with + a sharp increase

如果在动态图里面,主句做了一些比较,想顺带把变化和变化值写到一起,with 是个不错的选择。比如:Fish became more popular than before, with a sharp increase of 50 grams from 1990 to 2000. 鱼肉变得越来越受欢迎,从 1990 到 2000 有一个快速的 50g 的上升。


1、from + time / + data

一般描述时间或者数据变化的起点,常常和 to 结对出现。比如:The consumption of fish increased sharply from 20 grams in 1990 to 80 grams in 2000. 鱼肉的销量从 1990 年的 20g 快速增加到 2000 年的 80g。


1、 increase to

一般描述时间或者数据变化的终点,常常和 from 结对出现。例句同上。

当然,不一定 from 和 to 必须同时出现,如果上一句说过起点数据了,则直接写 to 到终点数据即可。比如:The consumption of fish increased sharply to 80 grams in 2000. 鱼肉的销量快速增加到 2000 年的 80g。(1990 年的 20g 前面的句子已经说过)

2、change to

地图题中,描述某个建筑变化为 . 的时候可以用 to 或者 into。比如:The small shop has been changed to/ into a large restaurant. 小商店变成了大餐厅。

3、to the west of

地图题目中,如果描述的东西相互之间有一定的距离(不是在里面或者紧挨着)的时候,会用到 to。比如:There is a small shop to the west of the housing area. 在住宿区的西边,有一个小商店。


1、on the other hand, / on the contrary,

on 的几种用法都比较非主流,一个是一些小作文连接上的固定搭配,会用到 on。

2、spending on

其次,说到小作文一个常见的概念“花”的时候,会用到 on:spend time / money on (doing) sth / the spending on sth.

3、information on

开头,或者中间段,想泛泛地说关于某某的信息的时候,可以用on。比如:The chat gives information on the consumption of fish in several countries from 1990 to 2000. 这个图讲了关于鱼肉销量在不同国家的相关信息,时间区间是1990-2000。

4、on the coastline

地图题目中,如果描述的东西相互之间是紧挨着(不是在里面或者外面)的时候,会用到 on。比如:There is a pier on the western coastline of the island. 在岛的西海岸,有一个港口。


1、figure for

一个就是之前强调过,figure 表达某某的数据时,用 for 引出描述对象(其他时候都是 of)。比如:The figure for fish showed an upward trend. 鱼肉的数据在增加。

2、for + 时间段(常常还跟有 period / time span)

For the whole period, the consumption of fish showed an upward trend. 在整个时间段里面,鱼肉的销量都在增加。


1、over / during + 时间段(常常还跟有 period / time span)

The consumption of fish increased sharp over / during the period of 15 years. 鱼肉的销量在 15 年里面快速增加。

g类雅思书信小作文范文 解释信:写给将住进来的朋友



You are about to go on vacation for a month. A friend from another town will come and stay in your apartment.

Write a letter to this friend. In your letter

• explain where your friend can get the key to the apartment

• give your friend some instructions about using your apartment

• recommend some places to go


Dear John,

I hope you're well and looking forward to your stay at my place. I'm just writing to tell you a few things that you'll need to know.

The first thing you'll need to do is pick up the keys from one of my neighbours. Just pop round to number 10 any time after 5pm and ask for Sarah. She'll be expecting you, and she'll tell you which key is which.

If the weather gets a bit warmer, you might want to turn the heating off. Just open the cover on the boiler in the kitchen and look for the "on/off' switch. You can also open the windows using one of the keys,but please shut them if you go out.

The only other thing to tell you is that there'll be a festival in the town centre during the second week of your visit. It would definitely be worth checking out. And don't forget to go to that restaurant I told you about - it's called 'The Grill' and it's just across the street.

Enjoy your stay, and look after the flat!

See you soon


g类雅思书信小作文范文 解释信:关于错过航班



You missed a flight due to a problem at the airport. Write a letter to the airline. In your letter

describe what happened that caused you to miss the flight

explain how missing your flight affected you

make it clear what you would like the airline to do.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to a flight that I missed due to a mistake by one of your employees.

Two weeks ago I was due to catch a flight to Rome, where I intended to spend four days on holiday. Unfortunately, the attendant at the check-in desk gave me a boarding card for a different flight, and I did not notice the mistake until I arrived at the departure gate and it was too late.

As a result of the error, I was not allowed to board the flight to Rome, and this caused me great inconvenience. I had to book a new flight two days later, which meant that I missed two days of my holiday and I spent an extra 2200.

As the mistake was caused by your company, I hope that you will

compensate me for the cost of the additional flight, as well as for my

taxi fares to and from the airport.

I look forward to receiving your response.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Jones(169)

g类雅思书信小作文范文 解释信:写给课程老师



You have a full-time job and are also doing a part-time evening course. You now find that you cannot continue the course. Write a letter to the course tutor. In your letter

describe the situation

explain why you cannot continue at this time

say what action you would like to take


Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to inform you that I will be unable to continue with the part-time computer programing course.

I have been attending your evening classes for the last two months,and have enjoyed them immensely. As I stated on my course application form, I work full-time for a large IT company, and until now I have managed to fit the programing course into my schedule.

However, my company is currently on the verge of signing a contract with an important new client in China, and I am part of the team that is being sent to Beijing to negotiate terms and conditions. I will probably

be out of the country for several weeks.

I am aware that you run the same course twice a year. Rather than try to catch up when I return from China, I was wondering if it would be possible for me to join the next cohort in September.

I look forward to receiving your response.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Jones(167)



